I very rarely buy new clothes, but just bought a Bootoota Advocate tshirt. Pro: local Qld cotton tshirt, supporting small business, low travel miles, no slave labour Con: Qld should not be growing high water crop like cotton. Consumption decisions rarely have right/wrong answers, figuring out the best option is tricky. Which is why I usually err on 'just don't buy anything unless absolutely vital' and virtually all clothes I have are holey #anticonsumption #anarchy #solarpunk #buysecondhand
#AntiConsumption #Anarchy #solarpunk #buysecondhand
Buying some of the kids' Xmas gifts 2nd hand and it feels good. We talk a lot about the positive impact of buying 2nd hand in good condition, so I know they are perfectly happy with it. Added bonus: got brand new box set of Harry Potter books without lining the pockets of everyone's least favourite terf! #winning
Miss 8 wants the big Sylvanian house. I refuse to add another chunk of plastic to the world so 2nd hand means we give an existing piece of plastic another life.