MyVirtualServer -> Major Datacenter Incident
May 28, 2023 at 7:10 PM UTC
Billing System Public Cloud Network Infrastructure Datacenter Website
■ This issue is not resolved yet
Este incidente está afectando al server (etherpad, xmpp y correo)
#undernet #buzon #uruguay #server #vps #myvirtualserver #germany #offline
#offline #germany #myvirtualserver #vps #server #uruguay #buzon #undernet
Aumento de velocidad en
*** To further improve and optimize our product quality, we are performing a free network upgrade on our host systems. We upgrade from the current 20 Gbit connection to now 80 Gbit per compute node! For this reason, maintenance is now due on the host system on which your cloud server is hosted.
The maintenance work will take place on Monday, 19.09.2022 at 20:00 (CEST) and will last up to 30 minutes.
During this time, your cloud server will be unavailable. During the maintenance window, we will shut down your cloud server via APCI (Software Shutdown).***