RT @AgustinMIbanez
Our work on emotion mechanisms 🧠💡: In #bvFTD, emotion deficits may be due to challenges in perceiving interoceptive cues, like one's heartbeat 💓. But cognitive impairments seem to drive such deficits in #Alzheimers & #ParkinsonsDisease. Congrats @_JLHazelton and team for this… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1643661480733048834
#bvftd #alzheimers #parkinsonsdisease
Differentiating Behavioral Variant #FTD from #Alzheimers & Other Disorders. Join Dr. Howard Rosen to learn how to #diagnose #bvFTD and differentiate it from Alzheimer’s disease and other disorders.
Free @AFTDHope #webinar
Feb 22, 4-5 p.m. ET
Register 👉 https://bit.ly/3kSi9D1
#ftd #alzheimers #diagnose #bvftd #webinar
seems in celebrity news today, Bruce Willis has the same dementia my sister had. hopefully brings more a awareness to it, the number one dementia of younger persons. vibes to his family 🤍 #ftd #F_T_D_dementia #bvFTD
Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia. I need to know more about this, from personal experiences, people with behavioral issues; and from experts. #neurology #doctors
#bvFTD #Dementia #MentalHealth
#neurology #doctors #bvftd #dementia #mentalhealth