@godpod Dear God,
I hate to tell you this... but, in my 34 years serving you in the church I have discovered an important truth.
Are you ready for it?
People love the church more than they love people....
And something else.
(Brace YourSelf)
People love the church way more than they love you.
Sorry. I hate bringing such bad news on the feast day of your baby's Momma. But there it is!
#God #Church #Religion #OrganisedReligion #BVM
#bvm #organisedreligion #religion #church #god
Es gibt 2.500 hinterleuchtete Werbeanlagen von JCDecaux und Ströer in Hamburg allein im Straßenraum.
Die in U-Bahnstationen sind da noch gar nicht mitgerechnet.
Wir gingen bislang von 4.000 aus, diese Angabe beruhte aber auf unklar gekennzeichneten Daten von der #BVM.
Es werden laufend neue digitale Anlagen aufgestellt. Diese leuchten noch viel heller als die auch schon sehr störenden "#Plakatwechsler".
Per la corretta estetica del gioco retrò, molti giocatori guardano ai vecchi display CRT. I giochi più vecchi possono avere un aspetto migliore su questi display perché i programmatori originali hanno tenuto conto delle loro caratteristiche visive. Trovare un CRT degli anni '90 o dei primi anni 2000...
#22Gennaio #NintendoWiiHacks #broadcastvideomonitor #BVM #crt
#crt #bvm #broadcastvideomonitor #NintendoWiiHacks #22gennaio
Wii Turned Expansion Card for Broadcast Monitor https://hackaday.com/2023/01/22/wii-turned-expansion-card-for-broadcast-monitor/ #broadcastvideomonitor #NintendoWiiHacks #trimmed #BVM #crt #wii
#broadcastvideomonitor #NintendoWiiHacks #trimmed #bvm #crt #wii
Wii Turned Expansion Card for Broadcast Monitor - For the proper retro gaming aesthetic, plenty of gamers look to old CRT displays. ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/22/wii-turned-expansion-card-for-broadcast-monitor/ #broadcastvideomonitor #nintendowiihacks #trimmed #bvm #crt #wii
#wii #crt #bvm #trimmed #nintendowiihacks #broadcastvideomonitor
(4)9 Euro Ticket ein Anfang - wie geht's weiter? - Mobilität für alle gewährleisten!
Podiumsdiskussion am 09.01.2023 um 19:00 Uhr im W3, Hamburg-Altona und im Livestream unter: https://www.9-euro-ticket-forever.de/podiumsdiskussion-am-mo-9-1-2023-der-w3-altona-49-euro-ticket-ein-anfang-wie-gehts-weiter
- Prof. Dr. Knie, Wissenschaftsz. Berlin für Sozialforschung;
- Anna-Theresa Korbutt, #HVV;
- Dorothee Martin, Verkehrspol. Sprecherin der #SPD-Bundestagsfraktion;
- Dr. Anjes Tjarks, Senator #BVM
- Wolfgang Völker, "Hamburg traut sich was".
#Deutschlandticket #9EuroTicket #49EuroTicket
#hvv #spd #bvm #Deutschlandticket #9EuroTicket #49EuroTicket
Grundinstandsetzung der Berner Straße beginnt am 9. Januar
Sanierung und Erneuerung von Trinkwasser- und Fernwärmeleitungen, Stromkabeln sowie der Fahrbahn
#hamburg #verkehr #lsbg #strassenbau #bvm
Relic: the veil of Our Lady.
St. Janshospitaal, Brugge. Oog in oog met de dood exhibition.
#relics #BVM #religiousartefacts #Bruges #travelling #history #MiddleAges
#relics #bvm #religiousartefacts #Bruges #travelling #history #MiddleAges
The "Miracle Book" recording miracles attributed to the Our Lady Statue in Onze Lieve Vrouw ter Potteriekerk, Brugge.
(An interesting artefact that will certainly feature in my cultural history of the notebook -- if I ever get round to writing it.)
#Miracles #BVM #virginmary #Bruges #travelling #manuscript #manuscriptculture
#Miracles #bvm #virginmary #Bruges #travelling #manuscript #manuscriptculture
Woopwoop! Hamburg hat eine erste Geschwindigkeits-Säule für den Radverker \o/
Zum Bestaunen und Ausprobieren -> die Rothenbaumchaussee stadteinwärts zum Bhf Dammtor entlang radeln.
Viel Spaß damit 😃
#Hamburg #Radverkehr #Mobilitätswende #PrioBike #PrioBikeHH #BVM #LSBG #Autokorrektur #aboutmyjob
#hamburg #radverkehr #mobilitatswende #priobike #priobikehh #bvm #LSBG #autokorrektur #aboutmyjob
Woopwoop! Hamburg hat eine erste Geschwindigkeits-Säule für den Radverker \o/
Zum Bestaunen und Ausprobieren -> die Rothenbaumchaussee stadteinwärts zum Bhf Dammtor entlang radeln.
Viel Spaß damit 😃
#Hamburg #Radverkehr #Mobilitätswende #PrioBike #PrioBikeHH #BVM #LSBG #Autokorrektur #aboutmyjob
#hamburg #radverkehr #mobilitatswende #priobike #priobikehh #bvm #LSBG #autokorrektur #aboutmyjob
Woopwoop! Hamburg hat eine erste Geschwindigkeits-Säule für den Radverker \o/
Zum Bestaunen und Ausprobieren -> die Rothenbaumchaussee stadteinwärts zum Bhf Dammtor entlang radeln.
Viel Spaß damit 😃
#Hamburg #Radverkehr #Mobilitätswende #PrioBike #PrioBikeHH #BVM #LSBG #Autokrrektur #aboutmyjob
#hamburg #radverkehr #mobilitatswende #priobike #priobikehh #bvm #LSBG #Autokrrektur #aboutmyjob
Our friend and fellow #BVM admirer Dylan stopped by to chat about #TheWonder , Blessed Virgin Marys, #BlackMadonnas , #Sophia & #Barbelo, the worthlessness of a godessless man, scientistic impositions & humanitarian efforts, abuse and/or #shamanism , accidental #magic , hope born from #trauma , the false #dichotomy of illusion/miracle, and much more.
#bvm #thewonder #blackmadonnas #sophia #barbelo #shamanism #magic #trauma #dichotomy
Our friend and fellow #BVM admirer Dylan stopped by to chat about #TheWonder , Blessed Virgin Marys, #BlackMadonnas , #Sophia & #Barbelo, the worthlessness of a godessless man, scientistic impositions & humanitarian efforts, abuse and/or #shamanism , accidental #magic , hope born from #trauma , the false #dichotomy of illusion/miracle, and much more.
#bvm #thewonder #blackmadonnas #sophia #barbelo #shamanism #magic #trauma #dichotomy
Brandish on the Sony BVM A20 CRT
#SuperFamicom #snes #retrogaming #CRTGaming #CRT #SonyTrinitron #BVM #scanlines
#scanlines #bvm #sonytrinitron #crt #crtgaming #retrogaming #snes #superfamicom
Brandish on the Sony BVM A20 CRT
#SuperFamicom #snes #retrogaming #CRTGaming #CRT #SonyTrinitron #BVM #scanlines
#scanlines #bvm #sonytrinitron #crt #crtgaming #retrogaming #snes #superfamicom
Any amazing #crt #pvm or #bvm nerds here ? I think recapping my d14h5 will fix some issues I’m having with it. I know there was an update to the caps used on the boards, and I can’t find the memo online anywhere! The other option is spending ~100$ on a recap kit from Savin-pat on eBay :(
BVM e.V. invited us next Thursday to talk about #opensource and how it can enrich product development. The perfect opportunity for @lacrioque to present LimeSurvey 4 and how our community shapes the introduction of new features!
For further information, check the link below: https://www.bvm.org/termine-weiterbildung/regionalgruppenveranstaltungen/naechster-regionalabend-in-mitteldeutschland/
#community #product #survey #marketing #surveysoftware #bvm #limesurvey #oss #foss #opensourcedevelopment #marketing #research #digitalmarketing #conference #deutsch #german #marketresearch
#limesurvey #foss #opensourcedevelopment #digitalmarketing #deutsch #marketresearch #opensource #community #product #survey #marketing #surveysoftware #bvm #oss #research #conference #german