#IndianYouthCongress #BVSrinivas arrives in #Guwahati. He is appearing before the Guwahati Police in connection with the case filed against him by Dr Angkita Dutta, former President of Assam Youth Congress, ANI reports.
Track updates - https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/breaking-news-live-updates-may-22-2023-101684713101382.html #press
#indianyouthcongress #bvsrinivas #guwahati #press
#WATCH | It started with discrimination on the basis of gender, major incident happened at #Raipur plenary session. I spoke to #RahulGandhi, #KCVenugopal. #BVSrinivas became aggressive when he found out I was complaining at higher levels: #AngkitaDutta #press
#watch #raipur #rahulgandhi #kcvenugopal #bvsrinivas #angkitadutta #press
#AngkitaDutta, who hails from a family with four generations of #Congress members, was expelled from the party on Saturday after accusing #BVSrinivas of harassment.
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/india-fourth-biggest-military-spender-in-2022-says-sipri-report-china-spends-more-101682342537768.html #press
#angkitadutta #congress #bvsrinivas #press