Das "Bisexual Manifesto" aus den frühen 1990ern ist ein Meilenstein des bisexuellen Selbstverständnisses und hat schon damals klar gestellt, dass Bisexualität jenseits der Binaritäten gedacht werden muss – sowohl was sexuelle Orientierung als auch Geschlecht betrifft.

Es wurde ursprünglich in der Zeitschrift "Anything That Moves"[1] veröffentlich und der Text ist heute immer noch so aktuell wie vor 30 Jahren, denn mit vielen der Vorwürfe, denen damals schon deutlich widersprochen wurde, sind wir heute immer noch konfrontiert.

Deshalb haben wir uns entschlossen, dieses Zeitdokument in einer deutschen Übersetzung zusammen mit dem Original-Text auf unserer Homepage zu veröffentlichen:


[1] anythingthatmovesarchive.carrd

#bi #biplus #bwiththet #queer

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Rogers · @CaptainBimerica
0 followers · 1 posts · Server lgbtqia.space


I’m Steve (not my real name). I’m a bisexual cisgender man happily, faithfully, monogamously married to a straight cisgender woman. We’ve been together for more than 20 years, but I’m .

I am out and proud, but I wasn’t when I started a Twitter account under this name. Even though I am no longer hiding who I am IRL, I find a certain freedom in anonymity here, so I’m hanging onto it.

I have absolutely no patience for transphobia, biphobia, or any other garbage like it. Hopefully that won’t be an issue like it was on the bird site, but if it comes into view, it’s blocked and reported without a second thought.

If you were following me on Twitter, say hi! I hope to find community here like I did there.

#introduction #stillbisexual #bwiththet #bisexualmenspeak

Last updated 2 years ago

LGBWithTheT · @LGBWithTheT
349 followers · 298 posts · Server mastodon.social


Womens Equality Party voted in favor of self ID by a whopping 83%!


RT @AlmostStace@twitter.com

Proud as hell that @WEP_UK@twitter.com conference just voted in favour of gender self-ID at 83% vs 17%. We’ll be free when ALL of us are free, and this takes us a step closer today!

🐦🔗: twitter.com/AlmostStace/status

#bwiththet #transrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Charlotte Walker · @purplepadma
729 followers · 2794 posts · Server mas.to

There’s a vigil at my university tomorrow lunchtime and I’d really like to go but I somehow doubt I’ll be able to get away from the training I’m delivering in the morning in time - it takes me about half an hour to get from where I’m based to campus. I’m glad that is marking the occasion though

#bwiththet #transally #swanseauniversity #transdayofremembrance

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Davies · @admdvs
40 followers · 130 posts · Server aus.social

Pointless bellend from . Usually work in IT, but that’s on pause due to frequent long burnouts which I now know were due to undiagnosed and untreated and . I’m currently trying to find a way back into normal life.

I bang on loads about equality and progressive causes, doing what I can as a cis dude to disrupt and derail transphobia (but never arguing with trolls or bad faith actors). , basically. Also volunteering with the Australian loads this year, due to two major elections.

I created a Mastodon account back in 2017, but having been burnt by the demise of app dot net, I didn’t have the impetus to hang around. Back on Mastodon now because it’s really bloody good—nothing at all to do with the change of ownership at Twitter, which I gave up on several years ago.

If I’m not making sense it’s probably because I’m quoting so let it go Lynn.

#introduction #melbourne #australia #adhd #autism #bwiththet #greens #alanpartridge

Last updated 2 years ago

Andréa · @andrea
134 followers · 2521 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

it's biday, hiiii
i mean biiii LOL

#bivisibilityday #bwiththet

Last updated 4 years ago