Reflections on writing my "Monster Manual of NPCs." What, how, and why. #BFRPG #BasicFantasy #BasicFantasyRPG #OSR #BX #TTRPG
#bfrpg #BasicFantasy #BasicFantasyRPG #osr #bx #ttrpg
Reflections on writing my "Monster Manual for NPCs." What, how, and why. #BFRPG #BasicFantasy #BasicFantasyRPG #OSR #BX #TTRPG
#bfrpg #BasicFantasy #BasicFantasyRPG #osr #bx #ttrpg
An hour of me blathering about my book, and more about the process than the content. #BFRPG #BasicFantasy #BasicFantasyRPG #OSR #BX
#bfrpg #BasicFantasy #BasicFantasyRPG #osr #bx
Shadowdark monster conversion guide for B/X and D&D 5e to Shadowdark. #ttrpg #shadowdark #monsters #bx #dnd5e
#ttrpg #shadowdark #monsters #bx #dnd5e
#RPGaDay2023 Day 31: Favourite #RPG of all time.
Based purely on the number of times I’ve played it over the years it has to be #DnD. I have a preference for #DnD5e or #BX (specifically #OldSchoolEssentials).
Outside of that one though and it’s probably a toss-up between #TopSecretSI and #SavageWorlds. Probably Savage Worlds as I play that more nowadays.
#rpgaday2023 #rpg #DnD #dnd5e #bx #OldSchoolEssentials #TopSecretSI #savageworlds #ttrpg
📬 Libbitcoin Explorer ermöglicht heimlichen Bitcoin-Diebstahl
#Krypto #bx #bxseed #LibbitcoinExplorer #MasteringBitcoin #Schwachstelle #Toolkit #Zufallszahlengenerator
#krypto #bx #bxseed #libbitcoinexplorer #MasteringBitcoin #schwachstelle #toolkit #zufallszahlengenerator
@tonydseattle They said I could take one book on vacation. I said, My books aren't big, can I take two? They said no, only one. I said, Fine, you all go on vacation without me. I'll stay home and play #BX #DnD!
Monstrous Monday: Gargantua Demons, Basic-era
Gargantua demons are terrifying engines of chaos and destruction. Thankfully they are also very rare. #bx #basic #ose #dnd
Day 5's #RPGaDAY2023 prompt is "Oldest game you've played." I believe that would be #StarFrontiers; I have never (to my memory) played #bx #dnd; the first foray into #dnd was Second Edition AD&D.
I've played a few retro-clones; and was in a GenCon session playing red box characters with Frank Mentzer running the session. But I checked and Star Frontiers came out in 1982 and red box came out in 1983.
#rpgaday2023 #starfrontiers #bx #DnD
5. Oldest game you've played
I guess #BX via #OSE if you don't count that probably 3.5, I've read 2e and cyberpunk 2020 but I haven't actually played them. I've also checked some 90s vampire stuff but there's not a lot of games I've heard about from that era that appeal to me.
That said if you go further back, I would love to try fighting fantasy, and I've checked a lot of odnd retroclones that make it seem it's very own thing, and interesting
05) OLDEST game you've played?
#RPGaDay2023, pardon?!
#Chess? Strange question. #Checkers?
Oldest #ttrpg?
Most people will answer #DnD. Without information about the edition or variant, it is probably not very informative. Wasn't the #OSR darling #OSE a ripoff/clone of #BX #DnD? #BECMi?
I must have played one of these old versions once. Don't care much.
I answer #TunnelsandTrolls (5e?, end of the 70s? ). BTW: In my opinion, the core of #TnT didn't change much over the decades/editions...
#rpgaday2023 #chess #checkers #ttrpg #dnd #osr #OSE #bx #BECMI #tunnelsAndTrolls #tnt
**Monstrous Monday: Monster Mash II A Midsummer Night's Dream!**
New release for Old-School Essentials. This book features 12 faerie and sylvan-based classes.
Bugbears, Centaurs, Hamadryads, Leprechauns, Nymphs, Pixies, Púcas, Satyrs, Werebears, Werefoxes, Woodwoses, and the Faerie Witch. New spells for all classes.
All art by Dean Spencer.
#ose #osr #classes #bx
How do you handle hirelings in #bx #ose #osr?
I don't think the rules do a good job explaining what do you can use them for. I like a clearer distinction between something like a porter or torchbearer and a full blown retainer. My players really struggle to justify sharing treasure and therefore xp for a retainer no matter what advantages they could bring to the table.
I can also see the use of mercs and specialists but the whole domain play thing isn't really something we are utilizing
Someone on the Dragonsfoot forum mentioned a "firebird" spell that appears in an illustration of the #bx rulebooks but not in the game.
Given the game's clear influences, I'm wondering if the Firebird spell in #Dragonbane was inspired by the illustration?
(Which is one of my favorite #ttrpg illustrations.)
The first set of books I had were the AD&D Player’s Guide, GM Guide, and the In Search of Adventure book which collected modules B1-9. (It would take me years to realize technically those adventures were written for a different system.)
In the introduction it gave possible ways to turn the previously disconnected modules into a campaign.
Published 1987.
#TTRPG #DnD #ADnD #InSearchOfAdventure #BECMI #BX #Campaign #AdventurePath
#ttrpg #DnD #adnd #insearchofadventure #BECMI #bx #campaign #adventurepath
Using the d20 system ability modifiers instead of the B/X or OD&D modifiers in Shadowdark is certainly a choice.
One that I think is really quite excessive. It's making rolling 3d6 in order much harsher, and as wizard or priest, you need to make an Intelligence or Wisdom check every time you cast a spell. It seems much more grueling than oldschool D&D ever was.
I wrote down some of my musings and conclusions about saving throws in #BX #DnD and/or #OSE. In retrospect, I don't know why it took me so long to realize how I had been underutilizing them. I blame my 3E background 😁.
I found this to be an interesting read about calling for saving throws instead of ability/skill checks: