I published an article called “Eget: Easily Get and Install Some Apps (featuring installing the latest Hugo)”
#InfiniteInk #CLI #Eget #GoHugo #Hugo #GoLang #IUseThis #Uses #Linux #nix-nux #Productivity #GTD #Tech #Windows #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #windows #tech #gtd #productivity #nix #linux #uses #iusethis #golang #hugo #gohugo #eget #cli #infiniteink
Updated "“Edit This Page” With vscode:// URIs (featuring a Hugo partial)" so it now uses hugo.WorkingDir, which is available in the recently released Hugo v0.112.0
#InfiniteInk #GoHugo #Hugo #Tech #URLs #URL #URIScheme #VisualStudioCode #VSCode #VSC #WebDev #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #webdev #VSC #vscode #visualstudiocode #urischeme #url #urls #tech #hugo #gohugo #infiniteink
Soft launched "“Edit This Page” With vscode:// URIs (featuring a Hugo partial)"
#InfiniteInk #GoHugo #Hugo #Tech #VisualStudioCode #VSCode #VSC #WebDev #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #webdev #VSC #vscode #visualstudiocode #tech #hugo #gohugo #infiniteink
Added a new section to “qutebrowser Key Bindings” called “Open current URL’s media in mpv media player”
▶️ 🎞️ 🍿
#InfiniteInk #qutebrowser #mpv #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #mpv #qutebrowser #infiniteink
Soft launched “Installing KDE Apps on Windows (featuring Kate and Dolphin🐬)”
#InfiniteInk #Dolphin #IUseThis #Uses #Kate #KateEditor #Tech #Windows #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #windows #tech #kateeditor #kate #uses #iusethis #dolphin #infiniteink
Updated “Hugo Shortcodes: Including Go Templates in Hugo Content Files” so it now includes a 2020 and 2023 version of the years-since #shortcode. The 2023 version uses now.Year, which I didn't know about in 2020.
#InfiniteInk #AsciiDoc #GoHugo #Hugo #GoLang #Markdown #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #markdown #golang #hugo #gohugo #asciidoc #infiniteink #shortcode
I published an article called
"Calling a Hugo Partial from a Hugo Shortcode"
#bynm #byא #tech #mastodon #hugo #gohugo #infiniteink
Updated and launched "Create a “Share on Mastodon” link with Hugo and Tootpick🐘" at https://www.ii.com/hugo-tootpick-mastodon-share/ - feedback is welcome!
#InfiniteInk #GoHugo #Hugo #Mastodon #Messaging #WebDev #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #webdev #messaging #mastodon #hugo #gohugo #infiniteink
Check out "Create a “Share on Mastodon” link with Hugo and Tootpick🐘" at https://www.ii.com/hugo-tootpick-mastodon-share/
#InfiniteInk #GoHugo #Hugo #Mastodon #Messaging #WebDev #Byℵ #ByNM
#infiniteink #gohugo #hugo #mastodon #messaging #webdev #byא #bynm
Soft launched "Create a “Share on Mastodon” link with Hugo and Tootpick🐘" at https://www.ii.com/hugo-tootpick-mastodon-share/
#GoHugo #Hugo #Mastodon #Messaging #WebDev #Tootpick
#ByNM #Byℵ #InfiniteInk
#infiniteink #byא #bynm #tootpick #webdev #messaging #mastodon #hugo #gohugo
I soft launched an article titled "Text Processing with Hugo (featuring plainify, htmlUnescape, and more)"
https://www.ii.com/hugo-text-processing/. This is a work in progress and, as usual, feedback is welcome!
#infiniteink #byא #bynm #hugo #gohugo
Because I use #Hugo bundles and what's unique about what I'm editing is the folder name rather than the file name (usually index.adoc for me), I've set the #VSCode Window Title to
#byא #bynm #VSC #code #gohugo #note2self #n2s #tip #vscode #hugo
Major update to Infinite Ink's "Connect with Infinite Ink
via Mastodon and Other Messaging Systems📣" (https://ii.com/meta/connect/).
#ByNM #byℵ #InfiniteInk
#Mastodon #Twitter #messaging
#messaging #twitter #mastodon #infiniteink #byא #bynm