Anyone who followed me on Twatter will have known just how knee deep I am and was in politics. I still am but I try not not let it occupy too much headspace or dominate my socials now.
That said.. it’s really pleasing to watch religious conservative politicians get absolutely hammered when they take anti LGBT+ stances on issues.
Something very satisfying knowing gay marriage destroyed Kate Forbes’ political capital and career 😂
#fuckaroundandfindout #byebitch
#byebitch (still not sure we can cuss on here 😏) @clearing_fog
"waaaaah I don't want to SEE any political talk!"
As someone who is read as political just by walking into a room, I say
lmao fucking suffer
EDIT: white people are NOT a fan of this post; I've been blocked a few times already. Y'all do anything to preserve your white fragility and comfort. #SorryNotSorry #ByeBitch
Change is good. #newyear #mastodon #fucktwitter #byebitch
#newyear #mastodon #fuckTwitter #byebitch
Change is good. #newyear #mastodon #fucktwitter #byebitch
#newyear #mastodon #fuckTwitter #byebitch
after 17 years using adobe creative suite/cloud, i just deleted my account for good. No subscription, no account. ✨🥂 #adobe #creativeSuite #byebitch #opensource
#adobe #creativeSuite #byebitch #opensource #ByeBitch #ElectionDay #VoteToday #BetoForSenate
#byebitch #electionday #votetoday #betoforsenate