Wired: This Is the Era of Zombie Twitter https://www.wired.com/story/x-twitter-rebrand-dead/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Business/SocialMedia #ByeByeBirdie #Business #ElonMusk #twitter #social
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #business #byebyebirdie #elonmusk #Twitter #social
This Is the Era of Zombie Twitter - The bird may be dead, but Twitter—er, X—is still alive for communities, news, and memes. - https://www.wired.com/story/x-twitter-rebrand-dead/ #business/socialmedia #byebyebirdie #business
Wired: This Is the Era of Zombie Twitter https://www.wired.com/story/x-twitter-rebrand-dead/ #Business/SocialMedia #ByeByeBirdie #Business #ElonMusk #twitter #social
#business #byebyebirdie #elonmusk #twitter #social
I want this new "X" fad gone. I prefer the old #Twitter. Why does Musk have to go and F things up? Musk is nothing but a fat, dumb idiot! I used to like Twitter, but now since #Elon #Musk took over as #CEO and effed it up to oblivion, I have no use for him nor his precious "X"!!! #GoodbyeX #GoodbyeTwitter #ByeByeBirdie #ElonMusk #ElmoTheDumbfuck #ElmoTheIdiot #ElmoTheAsshole #ElmoTheDumbass #XDoesntMarkTheSpotAnymore
#twitter #elon #musk #ceo #goodbyex #goodbyetwitter #byebyebirdie #elonmusk #elmothedumbfuck #elmotheidiot #elmotheasshole #elmothedumbass #xdoesntmarkthespotanymore
Used to be able to check out the bird for trending topics, which I was still able to do since deleting my account in November.Today it changed and it's just a shell of what it used to be - a cheap tabloid feed full of random gifs and pics, no trends at all.
#ByeByeBirdie #Twitter
After checking out Substack Notes for a bit, I am officially excited. I wonder if they'll replace the Twitter integration with Mastodon? I'll graduate to ecstatic if they do.
But if not, no worries. Either way, I now have two wonderful, civilized communities where I can enjoy my digital life. each one unique in its own way.
He didn't intend it, but Elon Musk has done us all a solid.
#substacknotes #mastodon #byebyebirdie
60 years ago:
Bye Bye Birdie (US)
A singer goes to a small town for a performance before he is drafted.
#ByeByeBirdie #JanetLeigh #DickVanDyke #AnnMargret #Columbia #Movies
#byebyebirdie #janetleigh #dickvandyke #annmargret #columbia #movies
#Mastodon is much better than #Twitter, so #ByeByeBirdie! #elonsucks
#mastodon #twitter #byebyebirdie #elonsucks
More happy music!
Stan Keaton & his orchestra-
Song by Jean Turner
#music #musik #musique
#music #musik #musique #byebyebirdie
#ABC #CBS #NBC #FOX #FoxNews #CNN #HLN #MSNBC #CNBC #FoxBusiness and other news networks not listed should all realize how evil #elonmusk is becoming. They should all dissociate themselves from #Twitter and also tell viewers to stop using the platform as well! #ByeByeBirdie #BankruptTwitter #ElmoIsEvil #ElonRuinsTwitter #ElonMuskIsAnSOB
#abc #cbs #nbc #fox #foxnews #cnn #hln #msnbc #cnbc #foxbusiness #elonmusk #twitter #byebyebirdie #bankrupttwitter #elmoisevil #elonruinstwitter #elonmuskisansob
#ABC #CBS #NBC #FOX #FoxNews #CNN #HLN #MSNBC #CNBC #FoxBusiness and other news networks not listed should all realize how evil #elonmusk is becoming. They should all disassociate themselves from #Twitter and also tell viewers to stop using the platform as well! #ByeByeBirdie #BankruptTwitter #ElmoIsEvil #ElonRuinsTwitter #ElonMuskIsAnSOB
#abc #cbs #nbc #fox #foxnews #cnn #hln #msnbc #cnbc #foxbusiness #elonmusk #twitter #byebyebirdie #bankrupttwitter #elmoisevil #elonruinstwitter #elonmuskisansob
Hey guys, I thought this site would be fun to be in, because...well...ELON SUCKS! Before I do anything though, would it be ok if I post #news #articles about the twit? Pun definitely intended! #ElonSucks #BankruptTwitter #ByeByeBirdie
#news #articles #elonsucks #bankrupttwitter #byebyebirdie
Hey guys, I thought this site would be fun to be in, because...well...ELON SUCKS! Before I do anything though, would it be ok if I post #news #articles about the twit? Pun definitely intended! #ElonSucks #BankruptTwitter #ByeByeBirdie
#news #articles #elonsucks #bankrupttwitter #byebyebirdie
I can't believe #ElonMusk is being such a tool! #Twitter needs to go bankrupt. #twitterexodus #Elmo #byebyebirdie
#elonmusk #Twitter #twitterexodus #elmo #byebyebirdie
Move to Mastodon or to Post that is the question. Will need to wait for further developments as they deal with the Bye Bye Birdie influx.
About to post this when I see this.
"Mask Network Acquires Pawoo.net, one of the largest Mastodon instances"
Not a good sign for Mastodon or any independent social media network.
#Mastadon #SocialMedia #SocialNetwork
My choice may be made for me.
#socialnetwork #socialmedia #mastadon #post #mastodon #byebyebirdie
@geobeck @kcarruthers @debzshy @annaleen There is an actual Filipino song entitled “Don’t touch my birdie” by a rock band Parokya Ni Edgar. The song can easily be #ByeByeBirdie in my opinion 😂
@kcarruthers @geobeck @annaleen @eeyam
Yes, #TuskOverMusk
Like the #ByeByeBirdie also
@kcarruthers @annaleen @eeyam
Came to me as I scrawled out that toot, but now that I see it, I want to see it trending!
@BrentToderian wow, what a douche...
#TwitterExodus #ByeByeBirdie #DontBeThatGuy #dontbethatdouchebag
#dontbethatdouchebag #dontbethatguy #byebyebirdie #twitterexodus