In less than a month, Elon Musk has driven away half of Twitter’s top 100 advertisers. These advertisers accounted for nearly $2 billion in spending on the platform since 2020. #ElonMusk #ElonMuskWreckedTwitter #ElonMuskRat #ByeTwitter #ByeByeTwitterHelloMastodon #TwitterIsDying #ElonsFolly
#elonmusk #elonmuskwreckedtwitter #elonmuskrat #byetwitter #byebyetwitterhellomastodon #twitterisdying #elonsfolly
Twitter lost more than 1.3 million users in the week after narcissist Elon Musk bought it. Read the full story here: #ElonMusk #ElonMuskRat #ElonMuskShouldBeScared #TwitterIsDead #GOPFascists #TrumpCult #TrumpIsaNationalDisgrace #ByeByeTwitterHelloMastodon #ByeTwitter
#elonmusk #elonmuskrat #elonmuskshouldbescared #twitterisdead #gopfascists #trumpcult #TrumpIsANationalDisgrace #byebyetwitterhellomastodon #byetwitter
Elon Musk Is Not An Entrepreneur—He’s A Rich, Deceitful Hack Whose Fortune Traces Its Roots to Emerald Mining in Apartheid South Africa. Musk Is Not a Self-Made Man, as He Likes to Portray Himself. Musk Is a Narcissist and a Punk. Read the full story here: #ElonMuskRat #ElonMusk #ByeTwitter #ByeByeTwitterHelloMastodon #ElonMuskShouldBeScared #TwitterIsDead
#elonmuskrat #elonmusk #byetwitter #byebyetwitterhellomastodon #elonmuskshouldbescared #twitterisdead