Nigel · @nigelharpur
290 followers · 3718 posts · Server

Just spent a fruitful time recovering an of I recorded in a age of 1040 running only synced to an rackmount multitrack.

I think I will release them! Better stuff than I thought!

Fave right now is to release them as 'singles' with a so to speak A side and the original from the archive on the B side.

When they're all done will release them on an album together, the title of which is 'so cunning' that I am not telling! 😁

#archive #tunes #bygone #atari #cubase #midi #akai #plan #refurbished

Last updated 1 year ago

L Smith · @stargazersmith
224 followers · 7209 posts · Server

Yes, days. I grew up in the 50s, highschool in the 60s. Grew up in a little Kansas (<300) town.

I recall remnants of a between the grocery store and soda fountain store.

I remember a couple of outside the grocery store. We kids didn't know they were old hitching rails, just something to climb on.

For a time there was also an old fashioned dry goods store, with wall shelves around the store and .

#stargeezer #crackerbarrels #hitchingrails #woodensidewalk #bygone

Last updated 2 years ago

Cosmality :verified: · @cosmality
19 followers · 8 posts · Server

Been re-watching the original and it really holds up after all this time.

Back in a time when good acting, and a good story were all you needed. Not expensive GCI, or pyrotechnics, or anything else. Just people acting a good story out.

This is the way it should have stayed IMO, but I am a of a .

#twilightzone #series #relic #bygone #era

Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87553 posts · Server
PlipO · @PlipO
70 followers · 2731 posts · Server