How it started. How it’s going.
#edubw #digitalisierung #digitalerArbeitsplatz #byod
Half of European enterprises don't have a BYOD policy #BYOD #CyberSecurity
Betanews: Half of European enterprises have no formal BYOD policy #networkmonitoring #cybersecurity #RemoteWorking #Enterprise #Article #Europe #BYOD
#networkmonitoring #cybersecurity #remoteworking #enterprise #article #europe #byod
Back then I took my own display to the office. Today I would probably just quit in the same situation. It’s a matter of #productivity and individual needs to have proper #tooling #byod #programming #work
#work #programming #byod #tooling #productivity
I found a post it sticker on the backside of my own display.
I got reminded how my previous employer decline to provide two displays despite the repeated wishes. “Too expensive” I was told despite me and my colleagues working billable hours day after day. I still can’t understand it - we were full time programmers 🧑💻 and I really used all the available screen space all the time.
#byod #programmer #work
Der neue Bürotrend nach #BYOD - BYOB!
Sollten wir hier auch einführen.
#byod #drogheda #dieweltmitanderenaugensehen
This system is used by an academic lab. The individual users have their own #BYOD laptops or desktops. They range from high school summer volunteers to technicians, to PhD students and postdocs. They use Windows, MacOS, Chromebooks, and maybe even a few desktop Linux users, there is absolutely no reason why any of them should submit to joining an AD domain. We add them to our LDAP directory and give them a Kerberos principal, they should be able to just mount our drive and move files around.
Ça y est, réveillé et à la bourre.
Les boules quies ont été trop efficaces, j'ai snozé 3x le réveil comme d'hab mais en fait la 1ère sonnerie, sonnait depuis 1/4 d'heure.
Et aujourd'hui je #byod au boulot car je craint de m'ennuyer et surtout j'ai des trucs perso à faire bien plus importants. :shibathinking:
71 percent of employees have sensitive work data on personal devices #CyberSecurity #BYOD
Here is an interesting solution from one of Microsoft for Startups, #Cybersecurity partners, Talon Cyber Security:
#Retail #storeassociates are increasingly adopting Bring Your Own Device (#BYOD) practices, which can pose challen…
#cybersecurity #retail #storeassociates #byod
Is 'bring your own device' still a thing anywhere?
The risks and expenses outweigh the benefits by far, am I right?
This is why I don’t like #BYOD: “This was accomplished by targeting the DevOps engineer’s home computer and exploiting a vulnerable third-party media software package, which enabled remote code execution capability and allowed the threat actor to implant keylogger malware. The threat actor was able to capture the employee’s master password as it was entered, after the employee authenticated with MFA, and gain access to the DevOps engineer’s LastPass corporate vault.”
My previous post about #PRT in #AzureAD mentioned #DeviceJoin. There can be three types of device states in Azure AD - Azure AD Join, Azure AD Hybrid Join and Azure AD Registered. All these device types can get PRT and hence #SSO benefit.
Azure AD Joined are devices running Windows 10+ or Windows Server 2019+. These devices are considered corporate devices. PRT is obtained as part of the Windows login through the Cloud Authentication Provider (#CloudAP).
Azure AD Registered are devices that don't have a full join done (such as #BYOD or phones), but we can have the SSO benefit on them. PRT is obtained through the Windows Authentication Manager (#WAM) plugin. The user does not log in to these devices with a corporate account, so CloudAP cannot be used.
#prt #azuread #devicejoin #sso #cloudap #byod #wam
Gen Z heeft privé een recente iPhone en wordt niet echt gelukkig van een telefoonbudget van €300. Met twee telefoons rondlopen is geen pretje. Om je aantrekkelijkheid als werkgever te verhogen, kan BYOD een goede oplossing zijn. Ook dit kan beheerd en beveiligd met Jamf. #Apple #Jamf Why #BYOD could be the key to increased business productivity | BetaNews
"Hier ist für mich die Grenze. Hier muss jetzt mal mit Bildung & Softskills & Schülerorientierung angefangen werden." Genau - Und das hat mit der technischen Ausstattung so gut wie nix zu tun (vielleicht sogar im Gegenteil..) bzw. sollte mit (gesponserten) #byod und nicht mit proprietärer Software abgedeckt werden, was imho für die Gesellschaft und die Schulentwicklung die einzig vertretbare Lösung darstellt.
#Digitalität ungleich #Digitalisierung.
#digitalisierung #digitalitat #byod
Auch wenn ich selber im letzten Jahr keine Stunde mehr (ok, vielleicht eine "Klassenleiterstunde") ohne #Whiteboard und digitale Endgeräte (#byod und mögliche Leihgeräte) unterrichtet habe, so bin ich nicht davon überzeugt, dass bessere Bildung pauschal durch Anschaffung von kaum reparierbaren Elektroschrott aka "Ipads" von morgen erreicht werden kann. - Wann ist die nächste Ausschreibungsrunde und wer wird sie blos gewinnen?!? #lockin
#DevWorld+#XWorld #CFP is open! #event in #Melbourne in March (30+31) w/ strict Covid rules.
Speaker funds+friendly community!
Join us? #AppleDev #Conference #Event
#DevWorld for dev on/for #Apple platforms inc. #iOSdev, #macOS etc. (inc. #flutter, #unity, #gamedev etc.)
CFP here:
#XWorld for #management, #administration, #devices, #MDM, #BYOD.
CFP here:
#COVID19 info:
#Presenter support:
#devworld #xworld #cfp #event #melbourne #appledev #conference #apple #iosdev #macos #flutter #unity #gamedev #management #administration #devices #mdm #byod #covid19 #presenter
#GoedeMorgen vandaag dagje # #ConditionalAcces #Microsoft #Educatie en #Byod iedereen welkom mits voldaan aan alle updates en veiligheid updates #EndpointManager
#goedemorgen #conditionalacces #microsoft #educatie #byod #endpointmanager
In der 3. Folge diskutieren wir über #byod (Bring Your Own Device) und #ipadklassen. Natürlich sprechen wir
auch über #ChatGPT. Wir blicken auf spannendes aus der JIM-Studie und schauen nach Dänemark. Viel Spaß mit unserem kleinen #Bildungspodcast #fediLZ
#byod #ipadklassen #chatgpt #Bildungspodcast #FediLZ