It won't be long before #JudgeMarilynMilian steps back into her robes following the cancellation of #ThePeoplesCourt. She's signed with #ByronAllen's Allen Media Group to head a new courtroom series, 'Justice for the People with Judge Milian', to begin airing in the Fall of 2023.
#judgemarilynmilian #thepeoplescourt #byronallen
#JudgeMathis may have been cancelled but Judge Mathis will be back in the Fall with a new series from #ByronAllen's #AllenMediaGroup -- "Mathis Court with Judge Mathis". The new court series will be a daily one-hour strip and will be available to broadcast television stations, as well as global network, cable, and digital distribution platforms later this year. #television
#judgemathis #byronallen #allenmediagroup #television
#ByronAllen Inks Deal With CBS To Bring #HBCU Sports Games To #Nationwide – #BOTWC #BlackTwitter
#blacktwitter #byronallen #hbcu #nationwide #BOTWC