@Jason Is it possible to build something around protected characteristics re the #Bywgraffiadur? I wonder how much we could profit from this in finding people who are not yet recognised with their own articles.
We're collecting names of historical Black, Asian and Minority-Ethnic individuals and groups of all sorts who have a significant link with #Wales for potential future inclusion in the Dictionary of Welsh Biography as part of our Anti-Racist Wales Action Plan project.
I'm currently compiling a list of suitable candidates, one of which are the many Italian Welsh families who have left a massive culinary imprint on Welsh cuisine and coffee culture.
If you have a name you'd like added -- or want to write about yourself, please get in touch!
@histodons #histodon #Bywgraffiadur #BlackHistoryIsWelshHistory #BAMEHistory
#Wales #histodon #bywgraffiadur #blackhistoryiswelshhistory #bamehistory
Starting the day as I left it yesterday with reading my way through Charlotte Williams's, Neil Evans's and Paul O'Leary's great anthology and hitting on a central point when it comes to our task of diversifying the #Bywgraffiadur. Your daily reminder that racialisation is not just political, but also historical and geographical.
Williams, Charlotte, Neil Evans, and Paul O’Leary. A Tolerant Nation?: Revisiting Ethnic Diversity in a Devolved Wales. 2nd ed. Vol. 53452. University of Wales Press, 2015. Print. p. 153.
Been doing a little digging around the history of Colwyn Bay's Congo House to find names for future inclusion in the #Bywgraffiadur. I was aware that none of the students' names had yet been included in the list, but i was certainly surprised that not even the founder, William Hughes, has been recognised yet, even though he would have fallen well into the centre of the Venn diagram (white, male, man of the cloth).
Anyway, here's a charming little mini #documentary as a primer into the history of the establishment, its founder and his students.
@histodons #histodons #Wales #BlackHistoryIsWelshHistory #BAME
#bywgraffiadur #Documentary #histodons #Wales #blackhistoryiswelshhistory #bame
Compiling a list of names of potential new names for inclusion on the #Bywgraffiadur and I stumbled over a stupendously good blog by Andrew Green (ex-head of the NLW) concerning the history of the #Bard in #British #VisualArt. https://gwallter.com/art/the-last-bard-loops-of-an-invented-tradition.html
But the kicker in the whole thing was this bit. (Click on the image for the full flavour!)
#bywgraffiadur #bard #british #visualart
I work as the Community Outreach Officer for the Welsh Dictionary of Biography, more collquially called the #Bywgraffiadur, at the #NationalLibraryOfWales. Our goal is to close representational gaps and set the Dictionary on a course of recording the diverse lives of historical Welsh people in all their facets. https://biography.wales/
Otherwise, I'm working on #WelshWritingInEnglish mostly from the long #C19, so there is lots of overspill into #RomanticLit and #EdwardianLit, #CulturalHeritage and #History of this small nation. Other research interests include #TravelWriting, particularly illustrated accounts and the history of the #VisitorsBook. For recent projects, I've undertaken some #PublicHistory work and community outreach about #PortHeritage, #WW1 German submarine warfare and its effects on Welsh communities.
I share longer #WorkInProgress on my blog: https://bydbach.hcommons.org/
Toots will be mostly in #English, but occasionally also in #Deutsch and #Cymraeg.
#introduction #bywgraffiadur #NationalLibraryofWales #WelshWritingInEnglish #c19 #romanticlit #EdwardianLit #culturalheritage #history #travelwriting #VisitorsBook #publichistory #portheritage #ww1 #workinprogress #English #Deutsch #cymraeg