The coinage of Carthage was first minted from the 5th century BCE. #History #ByzantineCoinage #Carthage #CarthaginianCoinage
#carthaginiancoinage #carthage #byzantinecoinage #History
The coinage of ancient Greece has given us some of the most recognisable images from antiquity as they were stamped with designs to proudly declare the identity of the city which minted them and guarantee their value. #History #ArcadianLeague #ByzantineCoinage #CelticCoinage
#celticcoinage #byzantinecoinage #arcadianleague #History
Byzantine Art (4th - 15th century CE) is generally characterised by a move away from the naturalism of the Classical tradition towards the more abstract and universal, there is a definite preference for two-dimensional representations, and those artworks which contain a religious message predominate. #History #ByzantineArt #ByzantineCoinage #ByzantineEmpire
#byzantineempire #byzantinecoinage #byzantineart #History
Daily life in the Byzantine Empire, like almost everywhere else before or since, largely depended on one's birth and the social circumstances of one's parents. #History #ByzantineCoinage #ByzantineEmperor #ByzantineEmpire
#byzantineempire #byzantineemperor #byzantinecoinage #History
The coinage of ancient Greece has given us some of the most recognisable images from antiquity as they were stamped with designs to proudly declare the identity of the city which minted them and guarantee their value. #History #ArcadianLeague #ByzantineCoinage #CelticCoinage
#celticcoinage #byzantinecoinage #arcadianleague #History