The Theodosian Walls are the fortifications of Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire, which were first built during the reign of Theodosius II (408-450 CE). #History #ByzantineArchitecture #ByzantineWarfare #ConstantineIV
#constantineiv #byzantinewarfare #byzantinearchitecture #History
Greek Fire was an incendiary weapon first used in Byzantine warfare in 678 CE. #History #ByzantineWarfare #ConstantineIV #GreekFire
#greekfire #constantineiv #byzantinewarfare #History
Constantine V, also known as Constantine the Dung-named by his enemies, was emperor of the Byzantine empire from 741 to 775 CE. #ByzantineEmpire #ByzantineWarfare #ConstantineV #History
#History #constantinev #byzantinewarfare #byzantineempire