wælmist [ ᚹᚫᛚᛗᛁᛋᛏ]: A mist that covers the bodies of the slain.
wæl: the slain, the dead, a number of slain, generally of death in battle.
The wælmist rises off the slain in a way that leaves the mortal heart arching with loss and fear -- the wælbrecða (or heart of sorrow for the slain).
They say, that after the battle between #Arwald (the last #pagan king in Britain) and #Cædwalla, Cædwalla's troops move their camp into the woodland of the #IsleOfWight at the sight of the wælmist lest the #Death (Hel) mistook them or one of her own.
#AngloSaxon #Jutish #histodons #History #Historian #Folklore #Paganism
#oldenglish #wordoftheday #arwald #pagan #cædwalla #isleofwight #death #anglosaxon #jutish #histodons #history #historian #folklore #paganism