@irisvirus And in case you don't already know, the hex code #c0ffee is mighty close to the color of the coffee mug in your photo: https://www.color-hex.com/color/c0ffee
It makes me suspect that's not a coincidence!
HEX RGB color notation has no logic to it whatsoever.
#C0FFEE looks nothing like you’d rightfully expect it to.
记得以前博客时代流行一种寻宝游戏,把各种谜题藏在一系列 xxx.htm 里面,猜对网址到下一关,可以直接提问,也可以藏进代码(比如一个 RGB 代码为 #C0FFEE 的色块),看到不明不白的图片,一般技巧就是调调对比度看有没有隐藏信息。于是现在看到这波追踪截图就还 … 蛮怀旧的…
coffeeじゃない!#c0ffee by qbfox 【クックパッド】 簡単おいしいみんなのレシピが370万品 https://cookpad.com/recipe/1999481
With colors that are too close to something known like #C0FFEE it needs a little help to get on the right track:
BTW - the previous ones were not cherry picked - I took the first ones it gave me. But it does not work with all colors:
Ode to #C0FFEE
A morning cup, my day to start
I cannot function, I must abort
The first sip hits, and I'm reborn
Energized, my day is now porn