"Stephen Fry takes a look inside the story of Johann Gutenberg, inventor of the world's first printing press in the 15th century, and an exploration of how and why the machine was invented." youtu.be/uQ88yC35NjI @histodon @histodons @bookstodon

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Yun-Casalilla, B. (2019). Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415–1668. In Palgrave Studies in Comparative Global History. Springer Nature Singapore. doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-083 @histodon @histodons @bookstodon

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Alfred Hiatt (2022) The Map of Britain in British Library, MS Harley 1808, Imago Mundi, 74:2, 173-188, DOI: doi.org/10.1080/03085694.2022. @histodon @histodons

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Grazioso Benincasa, 1466
Chart of the western coast of Europe, and the British Isles. Bibliothèque nationale de France medea.fc.ul.pt/view/chart/647

Source: twitter.com/MedeaChartERC/stat

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