Saying a long good-bye to the non-periodic #GreenComet #c2022e3 , when will we see you again? #astronodon
#greencomet #c2022e3 #astronodon
Open Cluster NGC 1647 in Taurus and Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
I know I am kind of late to the party. But in my defense: When I checked where the comet was in the sky when I first heard about it, it was in the north, and my house was blocking the view. I didn't realize that it will be coming around to the south where I can image it.
#astrophotography #1647 #c2022e3 #c2022e3ztf #heq5pro #130pds #asi294mcpro
#astrophotography #c2022e3 #c2022e3ztf #heq5pro #130pds #asi294mcpro
See for more images of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) submitted to APOD.
Image by Petr Horálek
Location: Slovakia
#comet #APOD #C2022E3
Here is the location and future path of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) in the night sky, as seen from the U.S. around 9:30 p.m. mountain time.
Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is dimming rapidly, currently at magnitude > 8.
Current distance from earth = 0.483 au = 72.25 million km.
Here is a gorgeous composite image of the departing comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) along with planet Mars taken two nights ago.
The broad white dust tail and the long narrow blue ion tail are clearly visible. The coma shines brightly in green color at 518 nm wavelength.
In the foreground is the Matterhorn, a mountain in the Italian Alps with a picturesque peak.
Image Credit & Copyright: Donato Lioce
#comet #APOD #C2022E3
#Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is wandering towards the south and now can be seen high in the sky near planet Mars. Yesterday evening there were quite good conditions in the mountains (Odenwald) near Heidelberg, Germany.
#comet #c2022e3 #astronomy #komet
#Comet #C2022E3 taken with a Fuji X-T3 and the XF 90mmF2 lens. I tried out my Omegon star tracker for the first time and stacked 50 pictures. Planet Mars at right top of image.
For full resolution, go to:
#comet #c2022e3 #astronomy #komet
Where to see comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) in the night sky from central U.S.
Tonight, the comet will be visible near Mars, within 2 degrees of it. Magnitude = 6, hence binoculars or a telescope are needed.
#comet #C2022E3 #Astronomy
Below is a map of the solar system showing the current location and path of Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF).
Current distance from Earth = 1.204 AU (180 million km)
Distance from Earth at closet approach on Feb 1 = 0.2839 AU (42.47 million km).
#comet #C2022E3 #Astronomy
So, jetzt noch fix draußen nach #Komet #C2022E3 geschaut (in echt 🔭:-)
Heute war er leicht zu finden: Über Aldebaran und Mars nach oben Richtung Capella, knapp rechts neben Hassaleh, und voila, da war das kleine Nebelchen.
Allerdings ist das Beobachten nah am Zenith mit einem geradsichtigen Bino auf Fotostativ ein echter Nackenkiller (arschkalt war es außerdem). Aber naja: Der kommt erst in 50.000 Jahren wieder!
Der Screenshot legt es nahe: Am Ende noch schnell über M42 und M45 geschwenkt 👍
Ha! Found it today. But not with the binoculars. Had to use the telescope. It’s currently close to Al Kab in the constellation of Auriga… #c2022e3
Einige Learnings später, hier nun meine vorerst finale Bearbeitung von C/2022 E3 (ZTF) 🤩
#comet #c2022e3 #astrophotography
Mein erster Komet 🙌
Ich werde mir definitiv die Daten in ein paar Tagen noch einmal vornehmen und versuchen, die Integration noch besser hinzubekommen, aber für den Moment bin ich glücklich 🙂
#c2022e3 #comet #astrophotography
#PastelSketches of the #FullMoon + #comet C/2022 E3 #ZTF at the eyepiece of my #Helios 102mm refractor fitted with zoom eyepiece using black paper + #StabiloCarbOthello #PastelPencils #AstronomySketching #LunarSketching #C2022E3
#pastelsketches #fullmoon #comet #ztf #helios #stabilocarbothello #pastelpencils #astronomysketching #lunarsketching #c2022e3
Der helle Stern Capella hat geholfen, dass ich den grünen Kometen #C2022E3 #ZTF endlich lokalisieren konnte.
Mit dem Fernglas in einem Berliner Hinterhof, so dass der Vollmond abgeschirmt war.
Nur schwach zu sehen, aber immerhin.
Wenn das Wetter mitspielt, möchte ich diese Woche noch die #ArchenholdSternwarte besuchen.
#c2022e3 #ztf #archenholdsternwarte
Started the day well before Dawn comet-spotting with the eldest. 💫✨