Stefany Allaire is extending the sale of the F256K till mid-July 2023. If you were planning on getting one, this is the time. Won't be back for sale before the end of the year. Delivery for this batch will be Sept.
The F256Jr will be kept continuously for sale though
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #8bit #c256foenix
#f256K #f256Jr
#f256jr #f256k #c256foenix #8bit #retrogaming #retrocomputing
The fact it can also work with existing #commodore computers, heck yeah!
RT @StefanyAllaire
Hey Guys, Introducing the FNX1591, the IEC 3.5" Drive for the Foenix Family of 8bit CPU (F256 jr & F256K) but also any IEC compatible computers. Pre-Sale now, shipping April 2023. Get yours today!
#retrocomputing #RETROGAMING #8Bit #c256foenix
#commodore #retrocomputing #retrogaming #8bit #c256foenix
This is such a great play on the old school adverts for the Commodore I had on my walls back in 1980 something! 👍
RT @StefanyAllaire
Guys, only 3 days left to get your F256K!
A real WDC65C02 based New Retro Computer where you have access to sounds/graphics and plenty more to have endless hours of fun, bringing you back to your childhood programing days!
#retrocomputing #RETROGAMING #c256foenix #8Bit
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #c256foenix #8bit
RT @StefanyAllaire
Hey Guys, this is a sneak peek! This Monday I will put in the store the FNX6809, a drop-in MC6809 replacement for the F256 Jr/K. If you are a fan! (OS9?) This is your chance! The Foenix Community is very excited about this. 😎
#RetroComputing #RETROGAMING #8bit #c256foenix
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #8bit #c256foenix
RT @StefanyAllaire
You can now purchase your F256K from the store now.
Remember guys, only about a month for you to place your orders, and limited quantity! I am only 1 person after all! Deliveries begin in April
#retrocomputing #RetroGaming #Retro #8bitPainter #c256foenix
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #retro #8bitpainter #c256foenix
Here is a good last minute Christmas present!
RT @StefanyAllaire
New Product Coming out today! The F256K, the integrated keyboard W65C02S New Retro Computer.
The Sale begins today @ noon (PST). Shipping in April 2023. Check for more information.
#c256foenix #retrocomputing #RetroGaming #8bit
#c256foenix #retrocomputing #retrogaming #8bit
RT @StefanyAllaire
New Product Coming out today! The F256K, the integrated keyboard W65C02S New Retro Computer.
The Sale begins today @ noon (PST). Shipping in April 2023. Check for more information.
#c256foenix #retrocomputing #retrogaming #8bit
Stefany Allaire, the creator of the Foenix line of neo-retro computers has recently acquired a pick-and-place machine to help her manufacture the circuit boards for her systems by placing all the tiny surface mount parts with its robotic powers. Here's a short video showing the machine at work helping make the keyboard for her keyboard wedge model #A2560K :
#c256foenix #foenix #retrocomputing #robot
#robot #retrocomputing #foenix #c256foenix #A2560K
I want to bring attention to #Calypsi which is a C and assembly compiler toolchain that supports #6502 #65816 and #68000 processors.
It runs on Mac/Win/Linux and has direct support for building programs for #C64 and #c256foenix machines with serial port debugging (maybe not working on C64, yet). It comes with excellent user manuals for each architecture, this is the 6502 manual:
#c99 #c #compiler #assembly #retrocomputing #c256foenix #c64 #Calypsi
There is a raffle to win a #c256foenix machine: . If you don't know about the Foenix computers, they are a new line of computers inspired by #retro computers, chock full of retro sound chips (real and FPGA), based on real 65816 and 68K CPUs, designed and produced by Stefany Allaire. Unlike some other #neoretro computer projects, this one isn't vaporware. I actually have an early model, so I can promise you they are real :).
#retrocomputing #neoretro #retro #c256foenix
The RAFFLE for the C256 Foenix Gen X - Pizza Box is still on guys. Last day to register is Friday May the 13th, 2022@11:59PM. (The Lunch Box is showed) The drawing will be done in following weeks (TBA)
#c256foenix #Retro #retrocomputing #retrogames
#c256foenix #retro #retrocomputing #retrogames
The #c256foenix project has come to its end, and that makes me sad. Nothing but the deepest respect for everything achieved on that project, including making that tough call.
Thanks for sharing the journey, Stefany.
#c256foenix #newretrocomputing