2/ BTW, on Monday 11 Sept, the #CS3 #C3 #Embankment counter recorded 11,329 cycle journeys.
Year to close of 11/9/23 was just shy of #2million at 1,999,974. (Counter has had some offline days).
Oh, and in the rolling week Tuesday 5th-Monday 11th Sept'23, the C3 CS3 Embankment counter recorded 78,105 journeys - busiest week this year!
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#cs3 #c3 #Embankment #2million #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
🎉#2million cycle journeys counted in 2023 🎉
Tuesday 12 Sept 2023: report by @jimfrayling@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleway #CS3 #C3 along Victoria #Embankment
"#CS3Count 2,003,391 at 0838. 3,417 for the morning at 0817. Ahem…!"
"cyclist today 3,417" and "cyclists this year "2,003,391"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#2million #london #cycleway #cs3 #c3 #Embankment #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
Monday 11 Sept 2023: report by @jimfrayling@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
"#CS3Count This was at 1532 - 1,993,845. 4,200 [correction 5,200] for the day.
lovely weather for it today and it seems London agrees. "
"cyclist today 5200" and "cyclists this year "1,993,845"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
Sunday 10 Sept'23: Report by @highpoh@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
"#CS3Count counts today just after midday. My last ones for a little bit so someone else gets to post about the 2 mil! Super busy today. Cyclists everywhere! (Seems to spend a bit of the rode today bagging cycle lanes!)"
Cyclists today 2239
Cyclists this year 1983782
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
Report by @4chordsnonet@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
"CS3 Embankment cycle counter
9:31 on 09.09.2023
Daily total = 1,028
So far this year = 1,975,755
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
Report by @westcountrytim@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
at 9775 for the day and 1,960,969 for the year at 18:06 yesterday [7 Sept'23]"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
Tuesday 5 Sept 2023: report by @jimfrayling@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
lovely weather for it today and it seems London agrees. 13,339 at 1918"
"cyclist today 13,339" and "cyclists this year "1,935,208"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
London's #C3 #CS3 #Embankment counter recorded and displayed 10,412 cycle journeys on Tuesday 29 August'23.
Year-to-close of 29/08: 1,870,033 journeys with some missing days.
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#c3 #cs3 #Embankment #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
Tuesday 29 August 2023: report by @jimfrayling@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
c.1901 after what felt like a busy morning."
"Cyclists today 9149".
"Cyclists this year 1,868,770"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
Ich hatte neulich geschrieben, warum ich mir das #cccamp und den #c3 spare.
Freunde haben mir trotzdem eine nette Karte vom Camp geschickt.
Edit: mir ist eben aufgefallen, dass die Fairydust für mich im Kopf immer noch die neue Fairydust ist. Dabei gab es diese schon beim Camp 2003.
Ich bin alt.
On Saturday 12 August 2023, the #C3 #CS3 #Embankment counter recorded and displayed 4,778 cycle journeys.
Year-to-close of 12/8/23: 1,729,368 journeys with some missing days.
(Most crowd-sourced reports are shared mid-week, so it's unusual and fun to get reports over a weekend, enabling us to calculate a Saturday score. Weekend & leisure use has increased during and since the covid pandemic.).
Sunday 13 August 2023: report by @jimfrayling@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
a Sunday reading because I was passing and I can. 1015 - 834 today and 1,730,202 for the year. Ish."
"Cyclists today 834".
"Cyclists this year 1,730,202"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
12 August 2023: report by @4chordsnonet@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
"Cyclists today 1515".
"Cyclists this year 1,726,105"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
@langhaarschneider #GPN und #MRMCD könnte ich empfehlen. Das ist ähnlich wie der Congress früher war.
Sollte es wieder eine #ICMP geben, dann ist das ein tolles, kleines Camp in Franken.
Für mich ist das Camp und der Congress in den letzten Jahren zu sehr überlaufen und man hatte den Eindruck eher auf der ComicCon als auf dem Congress zu sein.
Deshalb wird dies das erste #cccamp ohne mich. Den #C3 werde ich dieses Jahr zum ersten mal seit 1998 ausfallen lassen.
@honze_net also im Prinzip das gute, alte literarische Code-Quartett, dass es früher auf dem #C3 gab.
1 August 2023: London's #C3 #CS3 #Embankment totem has recorded and displayed #12million cycle journeys* since it was installed in Feb'18
*when working, crowd-sourced reports
Total of 12,001,478 cycle journeys have been counted and displayed over 236 online weeks.
Thanks to all who have shared scores, reports and pictures 🙏
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#c3 #cs3 #Embankment #12million #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
On Thursday 20 July 2023, the cycleway #CS3 #C3 counter on London's Victoria Embankment recorded and displayed 12,150 cycle journeys.
Year-to-close of 20/7/23: 1,547,166 journeys, with some offline days.
#TfL #LondonCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter #UKCycling #Cycling
#cs3 #c3 #tfl #LondonCycling #biketoot #biketooter #UKcycling #cycling
Friday 21 July 2023: report by @jimfrayling@twitter.com of the cycle journey counter on #London's #cycleways #CS3 #C3 along Victoria Embankment
[at] 1833 today. It says 6317 by the way. Took another pic but preferred this one."
"Cyclists today 6317".
"Cyclists this year 1,553,483"
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter
#london #cycleways #cs3 #c3 #cs3count #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter
On Wednesday 19 July 2023, the #CS3 #C3 counter on London's Victoria Embankment recorded and displayed 12,047 cycle journeys.
Year-to-close of 19/7/23: 1,535,016 journeys with some offline days.
Thurs 13th - Weds 19th >= 70,165 journeys over the 7 days.
@westcountrytim@twitter.com & @lastnotlost for scores.