If you don't count the unfinished #C65, the #C128 was the only real successor of the #C64. It's a damn interesting wolpertinger machine 🤯 (Two CPUs, two graphics chips, you name it ...)
Well, I guess most already know the famous Bil #Herd emails telling the story of its development at #Commodore (toxic workplace anyone?). But if you don't, it's really a fun and interesting read, look here:
#c65 #c128 #c64 #herd #commodore
¿Alguien que tenga pedido el Mega65 tiene alguna fecha de entrega confirmada? ¿se sabe cómo está la producción? #c65 #commodore #Commodore64
Dieser neue Trend zu Pixel-Games...
Ja klar. Grafikkarte der neusten Generation und es werden Pixelspiele gezockt.
Da packe ich dann doch lieber meinen Amiga aus - oder noch besser... den C=64 😜
Die Spielekonzepte sind ja eh nix neues, sondern nur aus dieser Zeit abgeguckt.
Das Gute an Trends:
Sie sind schnell wieder vorbei.
#pixelgames #gametrend #amiga #c65
@kate I love the logic behind this! ...but eyeballing the respective r/g/b columns on the 16 colour triplets, I was confused that the blue values didn't follow a logical progression - the "5" in #a35 drops awkwardly between a 7 and a 6. Digging further, I see you already have it as #a36 in the embedded svg, the "#a35" in only the visible text and css. Is "a36" the intended fix? (though... #a35 seems redder/better to me, but then the third colour would have to become #c65 or even #c64?!)
There are some minor future iterations of the #MOS6502. Of course there are the #WDC65c02 and #WDC65c816 but #CSG also did the #CSG65CE02 which has a Z register and can move zero page using a Base register and can use all of RAM as a stack. It also adds a word address mode and can run at up to 10 MHz.
There is also the #CSG4510 which was intended to be used in the #C65. It's essentially the CSG65CE02 with some extra stuff.
#mos6502 #wdc65c02 #wdc65c816 #csg #csg65ce02 #csg4510 #c65
End of a long working day 😴🥳
Tonight I am somehow in the mood for fiddling around with the Mega65 again.
(It is a pre-production model with the serial no. 3. For the actual sale some things were changed. Nevertheless a great device, which is still missing some real blockbuster games and apps)
I have posted on my blog about the evolution of the #commodore product line to the #mega65. This new post talks about the memory options. Stuff gets complicated, sorry :) but that is what it is.
This is the 2nd post in a series about the Mega65, the community developed Commodore 65 evolution. In the series I myself try to understand why the Mega65 is what it is, to prepare myself for when I get it (someday, I ordered one but who knows when I'll get it - chip shortages) and start coding on this fantastic machine.
#commodore #mega65 #retrocomputing #c64 #c65 #c128
I still have #amiga and #c65 #commodore #CSG and #MOS prototype chips in my bank tresor to put up for sale some day 😉 The #c65 was a prototype of a #c64 succesor. I have a CSG 4151: DMAgic DMA Prototype Chip (designed by Paul Lassa) and two Super-Denise 8373 prototypes (one MOS and one CSG) and . Anyone interested ? All three are really rare. The upper both denises show the changing times when Commodore changed MOS Name to CSG - Interesting read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_Technology
#amiga #c65 #commodore #csg #MOS #c64
This is Bo -> "
It is my pet fly and he lives inside the #commodore64. In my next video, I will put Bo in different situations and we can see how he behaves. #c65 #basic #retrocomputing #programming
#commodore64 #c65 #basic #retrocomputing #programming
#Commodore 65 in un prototipo funzionante che viene venduto all'asta per migliaia di dollari
https://go.squidapp.co/n/iwvcMrv #c65