#chess #siliconroad #reengineeringtheclassics #tcec #c960 Dragon didn't make it to the SuperFinal (currently ongoing between Stockfish and Leela) but it is an exceptionally fine C960 engine. I loved this crazy game demonstrating the power of 4(!) connected passed pawns against an unprotected black king (as if you didn't know that already 😉 ) https://youtu.be/HDSOyOUaUCI
#chess #siliconroad #reengineeringtheclassics #tcec #c960
#chess #siliconroad #reengineeringtheclassics #tcec #c960 In our first look at the TCEC C960 event, I have found that precious rarity for you... a great Leela game 😮 Leela dazzles with the whole range of engine skills, exploiting the unusual setup of the pieces to reach a position in which its light-squared bishop is much more active than Marvin's, then tricking Marvin into grabbing a rook's pawn and using the newly-opened file to develop pressure against Black's king! https://youtu.be/ChNuj0gtNWM
#chess #siliconroad #reengineeringtheclassics #tcec #c960
#chess #siliconroad #reengineeringtheclassics #tcec #c960 Leela's projected main line makes you suspect a fetish for fianchettoed knights 🧐 🧐
#chess #siliconroad #reengineeringtheclassics #tcec #c960
#chess #siliconroad #reengineeringtheclassics #tcec #c960 The things that happen in Chess960! 🧐 😊 https://tcec-chess.com/
#chess #siliconroad #reengineeringtheclassics #tcec #c960