RT @ChrisEdwardsCA4
#CA4 holds that striking unvaccinated folks from the jury pool is OK under the Sixth Amendment's cross-section requirement. The fair cross-section requirement applies to those selected for jury duty, not the jury itself.
224187.P.pdf (http://uscourts.gov)
Oh boy, this is a fun one for my firm to read: #CA4 issues a published conflict-of-laws opinion in an insurance-related appeal!
(@mdappeal@twitter.com wrote the conflict of laws section in a major insurance law treatise.)
New from #CA4: You can’t get CAFA class action jurisdiction if the defendant “may be” immune from suit in federal court.
RT @BradKutner@twitter.com
#CA4 is hiring a new clerk of the court.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BradKutner/status/1610704030111506432
A published @ACLU_NC@twitter.com @splcenter@twitter.com @ncjustice@twitter.com @ACLU@twitter.com loss in #CA4 today. Both of the statutes are saved from constitutional challenge by rejecting the challengers' reading of the statutes in favor of text-based, more-limited readings.
#CA4 today declines to extend Bivens to cover a damages claim against prison officials under the Eighth Amendment. The inmate was represented by Daniel Harawa at @WashULaw@twitter.com with amicus support from @MacArthrJustice@twitter.com and @RightsBehind@twitter.com.
New from #CA4: Before civilly committing a person who would otherwise be released from prison, a district court MUST consider the conditions of that prisoner’s supervised release.
Also today from #CA4: A government military contracting broker loses its fight to get federal court jurisdiction over its claim that Lockeed and Airbus conspired to screw over its lucrative deal with South Korea.