Las plataformas de Contenedores como Servicio #CaaS facilitan a los desarrolladores la implementación de contenedores Docker y ensamblarlos en aplicaciones, lo que generalmente incluye a Kubernetes para el trabajo.
Computers as a Service, brought to you by #CloudFlare.
#cloudflare #caas #computersasaservice
What is with the pricing models of most #CaaS solutions? I can run a #serverless site with #FaaS providing some basic DB CRUD for several thousand monthly users for almost pennies. But hooking it up to a glorified set of data entry forms to write a monthly blog post is $89! That's a lot for a small business or hobby blogger.
Ford reicht KFZ-Rückhol-Patent ein, welches säumige Käufer dazu bringen soll, die restlichen Raten abzubezahlen
»[…] dafür sorgen, dass es dem Fahrer ungemütlich wird, indem Komfortfunktionen deaktiviert werden oder jedes Mal, wenn er das Auto benutzen will, ein unangenehmes Geräusch ertönt. […] nur zu bestimmten Tageszeiten oder an Wochenenden, damit der Käufer wenigstens noch zur Arbeit fahren und Geld verdienen kann. «
IN my article for Disruptive.Asia, multiple cybersecurity threats in 2023's landscape includes the rise of Cybercrime-as-a-Service (#CaaS), which enables amateur attackers to purchase a-la-carte services like data theft and DDoS attacks.
#Fortinet #TelekomMalaysia #cybersecurity #zerotrust #DDOS #digital #security #cyberwar #criticalinfrastructure #Asia #asean #telco #trends #leadership #theft #data #datascience #AI #automation
#caas #fortinet #telekommalaysia #cybersecurity #zerotrust #ddos #digital #security #cyberwar #criticalinfrastructure #asia #asean #telco #trends #leadership #theft #data #datascience #ai #automation
Interested in Content-as-a-Service? Join me in about 20 minutes for an intro! (or catch the recording later)
Clausurados los servidores de iSpoof, un servicio online ilegal dedicado a realizar llamadas suplantando un número de teléfono. Muy utilizado en fraudes bancarios. Miles de víctimas en todo el mundo #CAAS #Asterisk #Forensic #FakeCallerID #eCrime 💪👮💻 🔍
#caas #asterisk #forensic #fakecallerid #ecrime
LF Europe Launches Sylva Project to Cloudify Telecom via EETimes
"The main objectives of Sylva are to develop a framework for the 🇪🇺 #CaaS layer and define a #reference #implementation to accelerate adoption in the #telco industry"👉2023 could be exciting in #cloudnative Telco ecosystem🚀
#caas #reference #implementation #Telco #cloudnative
For my cat lover tech geeks out there #CAAS courtesy of @Aqsaqal who is teaching an #Erlang class that uses this site.