Marisa Kendall of CalMatters details a proposed amendment in the CA Assembly that would recognize the fundamental right to “adequate housing” for everyone in California.
#alameda #housing #CaAssembly #california #HumanRights #RightToHousing #March2024Primary #AffordableHousing @calmatters
#alameda #housing #caassembly #california #HumanRights #righttohousing #march2024primary #affordablehousing
Now is the time for CA State to solve the license plate reader problem. #ALPR This week, the #CAAssembly can vote for auditing, keeping scans IN THE STATE, and getting rid of them after 30 days if not connected to a crime. Tell your assemblyperson to vote yes on #AB1463
Congratulations to our new assemblywoman and I can’t wait to work together to make AD 40 the best it can be! #LetsGo2023 #AD40 #CAAssembly #StudentsDemandAction
#letsgo2023 #ad40 #caassembly #StudentsDemandAction
#caleg folks, do you need better mapping tools for the new Senate and Assembly districts? We have turned them into KML files you can upload into custom Google maps and you can download them from our shared folder:
Google's MyMaps tool limits you to 5MB per upload so I had to break the data into 3 files for the #CAAssembly and 2 for #CASenate. Each file will be its own layer you can turn on and off.