5th day without playing any videogames today (due to wrist injury and wellbeing decision), and my coming back to reading is a fact!
Currently reading the Cabin At The End Of The World. Leonard has already knocked on the couple's door and the sense of dread increases with every page turnt. I hope it remains as good until the end... of the world that is (no pun intended :-p ).
#novel #cabinattheendoftheworld #horror #quitting
Today’s #TheKingCast guest is writer Paul Tremblay and they are talking the end times. Question asked: Considering all the options we’ve seen in pop culture (alien invasion, biblical event, zombie apocalypse, nuclear annihilation, etc) how would YOU want the world to end? #EndOfTheWorld #KnockAtTheCabin #CabinAtTheEndOfTheWorld
#thekingcast #endoftheworld #knockatthecabin #cabinattheendoftheworld
Now #reading #CabinAtTheEndOfTheWorld
This shit's wild, I'm only a quarter through and don't know where it's going but I can't stop thinking about Cabin In The Woods, lol. I miss Marty for comic relief.
#Books #horror #cabinattheendoftheworld #Reading