“The reason why Basic Finn politicians say almost nothing critical about this is that they share much of the same ideology as these terrorists. Both are part of Finland's far right, the terrorists the acceleration wing and the Finns the parliamentary wing.” - Iikka Kivi.
#terrorism #farRight #cabinetOfHorrors #farRightTerrorism #finland #politics #naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #farRightGovernment #basicFinnNazis #lahtiTerrorist #terrorismInFinland
#terrorism #farright #cabinetofhorrors #farrightterrorism #finland #politics #nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #farrightgovernment #basicfinnnazis #lahtiterrorist #terrorisminfinland
“The reason why Basic Finn politicians say almost nothing critical about this is that they share much of the same ideology as these terrorists. Both are part of Finland's far right, the terrorists the axialist wing and the Finns the parliamentary wing.” - Iikka Kivi.
#terrorism #farRight #cabinetOfHorrors #farRightTerrorism #finland #politics #naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #farRightGovernment #basicFinnNazis #lahtiTerrorist #terrorismInFinland
#terrorism #farright #cabinetofhorrors #farrightterrorism #finland #politics #nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #farrightgovernment #basicfinnnazis #lahtiterrorist #terrorisminfinland
“The whole bill for balancing the public finances is being sent to the already hardest hit in society. It's just a choice made by a government that cares about the strong, a brutal one.”
MP Li Andersson (LA).
#naziJokeGovernment #thatcherism #welfareCuts #politics #politicsFI #finland #cabinetOfHorrors #rightWingPolitics #austerity
#nazijokegovernment #thatcherism #welfarecuts #politics #politicsfi #finland #cabinetofhorrors #rightwingpolitics #austerity
”A free tip to freshen up the countryside: fur farmers should switch to hemp.
Fur farmers can be retrained to grow hemp. Not in this government term, though, because adult education is being abolished.”
Column from writer Hanna-Riikka Kuisma. #naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFI #finland #furFarms #russianSanctions #farRightPolicies #petteriOrpo #petteriUrpo #cabinetOfHorrors #nazis #racism
#nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #finland #furfarms #russiansanctions #farrightpolicies #petteriorpo #petteriurpo #cabinetofhorrors #nazis #racism
“Henriksson: Too early to say if SPP will support Finns Party in confidence votes
Parliament is expected to hold confidence votes in the government as well as Finns Party MPs Riikka Purra and Wille Rydman when lawmakers return to the chamber in September.”
#basicFinnNazis #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokeSPP #RKP #SPP #politics #politicsFI #finland #cabinetOfHorrors
#basicfinnnazis #nazijokegovernment #nazijokespp #rkp #spp #politics #politicsfi #finland #cabinetofhorrors
umm.. yeah that about covers it.
#politicsFI #finland #politics #leMonde #news #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #petteriOrpo #cabinetOfHorrors #nazis #racism #fascism
#politicsfi #finland #politics #lemonde #News #nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #petteriorpo #cabinetofhorrors #nazis #racism #fascism
Former leader of Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) predicts that toe government will fall before christmas.
My historian spouse pointed out that in historical context “it’ll all over by Christmas” has meant “this will be prolonged for uncomfortable amount of time and everything will go to shit”.
Let’s hope he’s wrong this time! 😮💨
#naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #politics #finland #cabinetOfHorrors #basicFinnNazis
#nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #politics #finland #cabinetofhorrors #basicfinnnazis
some headlines from today at HS to show how it’s going in general..
spoilers: not that great.
#politics #politicsFI #naziJokeFinland #naziJokeGovernment #hateSpeakerOfParliament #naziScum #fascism #finland #fascismInFinland #news #cabinetOfHorrors
#politics #politicsfi #nazijokefinland #nazijokegovernment #hatespeakerofparliament #naziscum #fascism #finland #fascisminfinland #News #cabinetofhorrors
Here’s a list of some of the shit our far right, nazi-joke-government is planning to push through regarding employees and trade unions.
i am personally rooting for a general strike since this is just the tip of an iceberg when it comes to backwards shit this government plans to hammer through.
#naziJokeGovernment #farRightPolitics #politics #politicsFI #finland #fuckNazis #cabinetOfHorrors #fascim #generalStrike #rightToStrike #joinATradeUnion #unions #tradeUnions
#nazijokegovernment #farrightpolitics #politics #politicsfi #finland #fucknazis #cabinetofhorrors #fascim #joinatradeunion #unions #tradeunions #generalstrike #righttostrike
some pictures from latest #antigovermentProtest in Oulu, Finland.
police estimated there were 300-500 people present. #fuckNazis #naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFI #finland #antifa #BasicFinnNazis #cabinetOfHorrors #downWithTheGovernment
#antigovermentprotest #fucknazis #nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #finland #antifa #basicfinnnazis #cabinetofhorrors #downwiththegovernment
Basic Finn nazi Jussi Halla-aho has said what some of us have been waiting for.
One of the long-term goals of Basic Finn nazis is leaving the EU.
Yeah Brexit worked so fucking well we simply must have that here too, fucking @#$%#¥. #politics #politicsFI #finland #brexit #nazi #naziJokeFinland #hateSpeakerOfParliament #cabinetOfHorrors
#politics #politicsfi #finland #Brexit #nazi #nazijokefinland #hatespeakerofparliament #cabinetofhorrors
Meanwhile there is a literal fucking pandemic brewing in the fur farms of Finland, most of the government is on vacations.
Only government official to say something is agricultural and forestry minister Sari Essayah and her statement was not that convincing. “It’s under control and anyway consumers can affect the matter by simply now buying furs, i dont use furs myself.” #birdFlu #H5N1 #politics #politicsFI #finland #pandemic #naziJokeGoverment #petteriOrpo #cabinetOfHorrors #furFarms
#birdflu #h5n1 #politics #politicsfi #finland #pandemic #nazijokegoverment #petteriorpo #cabinetofhorrors #furfarms
Basic Finns have told the Finnish media that they are not allowed to dig into Basic Finn past during their party conference this weekend and should only concentrate on what they’re doing right now.
Iikka Kivi was inspired to do just the opposite (below).
Journalists have voiced their concerns about this censorship attempt (last pic). #cencorship #freedomOfPress #politics #politicsFI #finland #basicFinnNazis #farRight #naziJokeGovernment #cabinetOfHorrors
#cencorship #freedomofpress #politics #politicsfi #finland #basicfinnnazis #farright #nazijokegovernment #cabinetofhorrors
Ex-speaker of parliament Matti Vanhanen challenged the reasoning behind current speaker of parliament Jussi Halla-ahos decision not to summon the parliament for a confidence vote.
It’s legally valid but still raises a lot of questions and it would have been just as well reasoned to summon the parliament.
#hateSpeakerOfParliament #naziJokeGovernment #nazis #politics #politicsFI #finland #cabinetOfHorrors
#hatespeakerofparliament #nazijokegovernment #nazis #politics #politicsfi #finland #cabinetofhorrors