Today’s visible progress. Wind kept me from putting a sheet up until late when the wind dropped. Only tacked in place. Tomorrow we test the hanging ladder. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife
My solution for working on the roof. But will it hold this svelte body. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife
A man outstanding in his construction site. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife #dronemusic
#dronemusic #cabinlife #arctic #nunavut
A man outstanding in his construction site. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife #Drone
#drone #cabinlife #arctic #nunavut
Let me paint you a picture. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife #iceberg
#iceberg #cabinlife #arctic #nunavut
Cabin looks rather tiny. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife #LandscapePhotography #iceberg #drone
#drone #iceberg #landscapephotography #cabinlife #arctic #nunavut
I mean, how am I supposed to see with this there? #Nunavut #Arctic #iceberg #CabinLife
#cabinlife #iceberg #arctic #nunavut
Damn iceberg is blocking my view. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife #Iceberg
#iceberg #cabinlife #arctic #nunavut
Bitterly cold day at the cabin. 50 km/hr gusts off the ocean. Cold enough to see your breath. No roof today in that wind. #Nunavut #CabinLife #Arctic
There was some serious lenticular cloud action over the Brodeur Peninsula last night. By the time I got around to taking a photo the winds were waning and there were less. Stacks and stacks of pancakes over there earlier on. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife #LandscapePhotography
#landscapephotography #cabinlife #arctic #nunavut
Bit by bit. View is the interior of the cabin through the small upper window. #CabinLife #Nunavut
Fog pouring over the mountains lit by a setting Sun. The rising tide lapping at my feet. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife #LandscapePhotography
#landscapephotography #cabinlife #arctic #nunavut
Finally back at the cabin after almost a week of wet, windy weather. How windy? Well my table saw blew over. Glad we got the strapping done. Some unstrapped Tyvek came loose on the porch but it was an easy fix. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife
Think I sorted out how to work on the overhang. Looks rinkydink but it is safe. Well safer than the other iterations I had thought of. #Nunavut #Arctic #CabinLife
Cooling off in Kikuchi Valley Walking in Midsummer
#cabin #cabinlife #cat #diy #garden #gardening #Kumamoto #Kumamotodestinations #Kumamototour #Kumamototravel #Kumamototrip #Kumamotovacation #palletfurniture #Relaxation #shelter #tinyhouse #Zen #熊本
#cabin #cabinlife #cat #diy #garden #gardening #kumamoto #kumamotodestinations #kumamototour #kumamototravel #kumamototrip #kumamotovacation #palletfurniture #relaxation #shelter #tinyhouse #zen #熊本