$21 Million in ‘Sleeping Bitcoins’ Awaken After Years of Dormancy - Despite Bitcoin’s (BTC) price dipping 6.4% this week and hovering below the $26K m... - https://news.bitcoin.com/21-million-in-sleeping-bitcoins-awaken-after-years-of-dormancy/ #digitalcurrency #cryptocurrency #digitalwallet #bitcoin(btc) #digitalgold #transaction #activation #blockchain #resurgence #sevenyears #awakening #long-held #mobilized #untouched #movement #transfer #bitcoin #dormant #revival #assets #cache
#cache #assets #revival #dormant #transfer #movement #untouched #mobilized #long #awakening #sevenyears #resurgence #blockchain #activation #transaction #digitalgold #bitcoin #digitalwallet #cryptocurrency #digitalcurrency
"You are a flipping #music #addict , and think it is a good idea for your #frontpage to reflect that"
(Sure. it is static. And the #generator is on a non #ssl page,but I barely have #albums I'm hyped about these days. I'm a #picky biach)
The #reorder function was easier to implement than I thought, and
<iframe src="?timestamp=<?php echo time(); ?>" width="600" height="400"></iframe>
makes for perfect #cache #Busting
#StuffAlcea #CurrListeningAlcea
#music #addict #frontpage #generator #ssl #albums #picky #reorder #cache #busting #stuffalcea #currlisteningalcea
📝 EXT:warming v1.1.0 is now able to log #cache #warmup requests to a custom #log table.
ℹ️ By default, only failed requests are logged and #TYPO3's default file writer is used.
📙 Read more about how to configure #logging in the documentation → https://docs.typo3.org/p/eliashaeussler/typo3-warming/1.1/en-us/Configuration/Logging.html
#cache #warmup #log #typo3 #logging
New Release 🎉
🟢 ++ 0 🔴 -- 0 ⚪ ~~ 7
## [1.21.9] - 2023-08-16
- Removed Cache ServerV1 support
#build #bundle #bundles #assetbundles #cache #server
Damit auch bei Ihnen das Warten im #Homeoffice ein Ende hat! Jetzt #Moskito #GIS über #VPN mit #Cache starten. #MoskitoGIS, #Geschwindigkeit, #Symlinks, #DSL, #Deutschlandgeschwindigkeit
#homeoffice #Moskito #gis #vpn #cache #MoskitoGIS #geschwindigkeit #symlinks #dsl #deutschlandgeschwindigkeit
I'm a lil #confused at how many images #dont get #cached
Even my own #site ..
Only cached 20% of here ?
I dont. Get. It.
Why have a #cache if it is #so #erratic ?
No #wonder #datausage is an #issue , if elements keep redownloading.
(It'd be best if #webbrowser s could compare the online image with the cached one ( #md5 ?) and only redownload if it is different..)
#harddrivespace is #cheaper than #bandwidth sometimes
#confused #dont #cached #site #cache #so #erratic #wonder #datausage #issue #webbrowser #md5 #harddrivespace #cheaper #bandwidth
#Browsing the #internet with #disabled #images is a #interesting #experience
Makes you #appreciate the #cache
#browsing #internet #disabled #images #interesting #experience #appreciate #cache
Few days later, and #Sonatype #Nexus #Repository has been very nice to have. Updating my laptop on my write-from-a-coffee-shop Saturday was nice and smooth thanks to the local cache — I VPN into my home network when out and about, to benefit from #PiHole and things like this #yum #repo #proxy #cache.
This morning I wanted to see how involved setting up the same for my VMs running #Debian and.. it's even easier. So now all my VMs are pulling in from the same proxy with cache. Nice!
#sonatype #nexus #repository #pihole #yum #repo #proxy #cache #debian
Kann mir einer sagen warum #fdroidapp 3GB an daten hat?
Ich lösche immer den Cache vom mein phone mit z.b #SDMaid ...ebenso ist es so eingestellt das die heruntergeladene #apk nach einer gewissen zeit in fdroid automatisch gelöscht wird....aber 3GB an daten? Wozu? Woher? Warum?
#android #app #fdroid #daten #apps #foss #opensource #opensourceapps #cache
#fdroidapp #SDMaid #apk #android #app #fdroid #daten #apps #foss #opensource #opensourceapps #cache
Android: Cache leeren – so geht's auf dem Smartphone
https://www.t-online.de/digital/android/id_100224862/android-cache-leeren-so-geht-s-auf-dem-smartphone.html #Android #Smartphone #Cache
Star Trek Kodi Build: guida all'installazione
#StarTrek #Kodi #build #addon #TwistedNutz #repository #wizard #cache
#startrek #kodi #build #addon #twistednutz #repository #wizard #cache
⛔️ La memoria CACHE para qué SIRVE ⁉️ ✅ Es más IMPORTANTE de lo que PENSÁS ❕❕❕
Parece una tontería, pero no es joda.
#noticiaspc #noticias #cache #bus #anchodebanda #gpu #tarjetagrafica #grafica #AMD #nvidia
#noticiaspc #noticias #cache #bus #anchodebanda #gpu #tarjetagrafica #grafica #amd #nvidia
The Town: Bruno Mars vai receber o maior cachê já pago por Medina, chefão do Rock in Rio; saiba quanto
#Town #RockInRio #RobertoMedina #Cachê #BrunoMars #ViNoInstagram #Ryqueza #Música
#town #rockinrio #robertomedina #cache #brunomars #vinoinstagram #ryqueza #musica
Wenn du denkst, das Regenradar würde nichts anzeigen - ne, ist wieder Netzausbau-Entwicklungsland Schland im Spiel, also alles wie immer (vlt in 2035 anders)
#internet #cache #wetter #regenradar #entwicklungsland #internetz
#internet #cache #wetter #regenradar #entwicklungsland #internetz
Today I have found #systemd-resolved ignored report that their #dnssec validation does not prevent #cache #poisoning for over 7 months. If that is not a proof of incompetent upstream, I don't know how else would it look like. rhbz#2222261
#systemd #dnssec #cache #poisoning
Introducing the AWS .NET Distributed Cache Provider for DynamoDB (Preview) 👉 To use DynamoDB as storage for ASP.NET Core’s distributed cache framework https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/developer/introducing-the-aws-net-distributed-cache-provider-for-dynamodb-preview/ #AWS #Database #NoSQL #Cache #DotNET
#aws #database #nosql #cache #dotnet
First I've got to figure out why my static assets are 500ing half the time. It's probably my slapdash #serviceWorker #caching strategy. I like to use #staleWhileRevalidate because it feels like I should just serve from the #cache if I have *something* but I don't feel like prompting the user to reload if there's fresh data. It's probably a bad UX though. I find myself reloading the page several times just to make sure I'm looking at fresh data.
#cache #stalewhilerevalidate #caching #serviceworker
Do you use a #cache in your apps or services? Do the items expire after some time? Check out this simple pattern to easily make your apps more resilient to external data source failures.
Sample code provided for easily updating the #dotnet MemoryCache.