Excellent day sampling the #Stellako #River (British Columbia) for #aquatic #insects yesterday. Tons of #stoneflies, #mayflies, and #caddisflies.
#stellako #river #aquatic #insects #stoneflies #mayflies #caddisflies #biodiversity #conservation
Pycnopsyche sp.
#Trichoptera #Caddisfly #Caddisflies #Insect #Insects
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#trichoptera #caddisfly #caddisflies #insect #insects #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
Limnephilus ornatus
#Trichoptera #Caddisfly #Caddisflies #Insect #Insects
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#trichoptera #caddisfly #caddisflies #insect #insects #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
Limnephilus ornatus
#Trichoptera #Caddisfly #Caddisflies #Insect #Insects
#ArtWithOpenSource #Darktable #CreativeCommons #CCBYSA
#Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography
#trichoptera #caddisfly #caddisflies #insect #insects #artwithopensource #darktable #creativecommons #ccbysa #nature #naturephotography #photography
Animals ominosos: aquest tricòpter [1] sembla ben bé l'Emperador Zurg de Toy Story–el pare d'en Buzz Lightyear!
Mystacides azureus, observat al parc natural de Morvan, França. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/126439051
En anglès en diuen caddisflies. No sé pas si en tenim cap nom comú en català.
#insects #entomologia #entomology #inaturalist #caddisflies
Now let's talk about moths. Nearly 100 years ago there was a major breakthrough in our understanding of #butterfly #wing patterns. The majority of #Lepidoptera aren't #butterflies, they're #moths. How do butterfly wings fit in with broader wing pattern #evolution in this order?
I found that the relationship between wing pattern & wing #venation in moths is so iron-clad that I was able to predict—and then find—a wing #vein in Lepidoptera that was previously known only from #caddisflies.
#butterfly #wing #lepidoptera #butterflies #moths #Evolution #venation #vein #caddisflies