We return to Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.
#cadillacsanddinosaurs #dinosaur #dinosaurs #jacktenrec
#cadillacsanddinosaurs #dinosaur #dinosaurs #jacktenrec
Il pomeriggio a giocare a #CadillacsAndDinosaurs, #ThePunisher e #MetalSlug2 su #Mame (proiettore, schermo da 2 metri e mezzo di larghezza).
Stasera #SoloAStarWarsStory sempre sul proiettore, #pizza, #gatti e #cani.
Chi dice che il matrimonio non รจ una cosa meravigliosa?
#cadillacsanddinosaurs #ThePunisher #metalslug2 #mame #soloastarwarsstory #pizza #gatti #cani
Jack Tenrec drives a Caddy and saves dinosaurs.
#cadillacsanddinosaurs #jacktenrec #dinosaur #dinosaurs
#cadillacsanddinosaurs #jacktenrec #dinosaur #dinosaurs
'Cadillacs and Dinosaurs' Arcade (1992) #Capcom #arcade #CadillacsandDinosaurs #JackTenrec #XenozoicTales #MarkSchultz
#capcom #arcade #cadillacsanddinosaurs #jacktenrec #xenozoictales #markschultz
'Cadillacs and Dinosaurs' Arcade (1992) #Capcom #arcade #CadillacsandDinosaurs
#capcom #arcade #cadillacsanddinosaurs
'Cadillacs and Dinosaurs' Arcade (1992) #Capcom #arcade #CadillacsandDinosaurs
#capcom #arcade #cadillacsanddinosaurs
I'm sick and tired of people complaining for lack of realism in games ... NO ONE, I REPEAT NO ONE complained about lack of realism when Streets of Rage, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs or MORTAL KOMBAT hit the arcades ... we played the shit of it .. and we had a LOT of fun.
#realism #games #pacman #oldgames #retrogames #arcade #arcades #mortalkombat #cadillacsanddinosaurs #streetsofrage
#streetsofrage #cadillacsanddinosaurs #mortalkombat #arcades #arcade #retrogames #oldgames #pacman #games #realism
I'm sick and tired of people complaining for lack of realism in games ... NO ONE, I REPEAT NO ONE complained about lack of realism when Streets of Rage, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs or MORTAL KOMBAT hit the arcades ... we played the shit out of them .. and we had a LOT of fun.
#realism #games #pacman #oldgames #retrogames #arcade #arcades #mortalkombat #cadillacsanddinosaurs #streetsofrage
#streetsofrage #cadillacsanddinosaurs #mortalkombat #arcades #arcade #retrogames #oldgames #pacman #games #realism