Pretty scenery and weather to write my hostage scene to! #CadyGrey2 #wheelchair #thriller #disability #amwriting #amwritingthriller #frost #frostadon #SundayPixCold
#cadygrey2 #wheelchair #thriller #disability #amwriting #amwritingthriller #frost #frostadon #sundaypixcold
I've written 1500 words today. The last 500 of which were achieved with the teen talking at me. I'm so close to getting this novel finished, I can smell it. #amwriting #writer #writerdon #writing #writingcommunity #amwritingthriller #CadyGrey2 #wheel #wheelchair
#amwriting #writer #writerdon #writing #writingcommunity #amwritingthriller #cadygrey2 #wheel #wheelchair
Oh yeah! Got my 10k #nanowrimo badge this year :) Not 50 thou, but by god this year I'll take it #amwriting #writing #writingcommunity #amwritingthriller #CadyGrey2 #writerdon #writersofmasto
#nanowrimo #amwriting #writing #writingcommunity #amwritingthriller #cadygrey2 #writerdon #writersofmasto