WHAT THEY ARE SAYING: Governor Newsom’s Package to Build More Clean Energy, Strengthen Grid | California Governor https://www.gov.ca.gov/2023/09/06/what-they-are-saying-governor-newsoms-package-to-build-more-clean-energy-strengthen-grid/ #CAPol #CAEnergy #OffshoreWind
#CApol #caenergy #Offshorewind
Interesting read, but it doesn't exactly point out that the units' needed for reliability if not there would trigger rolling blackouts to manage the demand the supply can meet--which isn't going to make any friends during heat (or cold) storms. Same with Alyso Canyon and the need for gas storage inside LA--particularly in winter when gas flowing into the state can be impinged by other states' own increased gas demand (from among things dropping coal).
Maybe the future transition from gas to electricity will help Alyso get retired, but I still expect gas generation--particularly the ones that DONT run 98% of the time--continue to be needed for the peak days.
And given the massive amount of additional electric generating capacity that's needed for the new demand in a decarbonized state, it will be many years before we're closer to supply / demand equilibrium.
Goodbye, PG&E… hello, “San Jose Power”? https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/08/12/goodbye-pge-hello-san-jose-power/ #CAEnergy #PGE
#CPUC has a very long (5 hr?) public comment yesterday on #AVs in SF. Lot of news stories on that. But they also adopted on-bill financing for non-residential customer energy projects. See http://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Published/G000/M516/K995/516995394.PDF #CAEnergy
Once again, state regulatory agency #CPUC proposes to increase #AlisoCanyon natural #gas #storage facility – Daily News https://www.dailynews.com/2023/08/08/once-again-state-regulatory-agency-proposes-to-increase-aliso-canyon-natural-gas-storage-facility/ #CAEnergy #GasStorage
Most folks don't get how critical gas storage is, particularly for the #LABasin. Without it gas deliveries, particularly in winter, can get disrupted during extreme cold and high demand. Think Texas freeze. And its not like gas storage can be done anywhere--it relies on geological formations (vs building housing there). Yes, we need to phase FF out, but fully closing Aliso would create large risk without reliable substitute infrastructure
#cpuc #alisocanyon #gas #storage #caenergy #gasstorage #labasin
#CPUC has issued a draft resolution to create a citation program for #IOUs that do not implement #PSPS correctly. The DR is posted at https://docs.cpuc.ca.gov/PublishedDocs/Published/G000/M516/K660/516660886.PDF. #CAEnergy #WildfireMitigation #PGE #SCE #SDGE
#cpuc #ious #psps #caenergy #wildfiremitigation #PGE #sce #sdge
Governor #Newsom Announces New Strategy to Develop a #Hydrogen Economy of the Future | California Governor https://www.gov.ca.gov/2023/08/08/governor-newsom-announces-new-strategy-to-develop-a-hydrogen-economy-of-the-future/ #CAEnergy #Energy #Transportation #Climate
#newsom #hydrogen #caenergy #energy #transportation #climate
[Gift Link] #PG&E faces questions amid #wildfire prevention strategy shift from tree trimming to grid tech https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/08/07/pge-faces-questions-amid-wildfire-prevention-strategy-shift-from-tree-trimming-to-grid-tech/ #PGE #CAEnergy #WMP
#PG #wildfire #PGE #caenergy #WMP
Moss Landing: World’s biggest battery storage project is now 3GWh capacity https://www.energy-storage.news/moss-landing-worlds-biggest-battery-storage-project-is-now-3gwh-capacity/#Vistra #EnergyStorage #MossLanding #CAEnergy
#energystorage #mosslanding #caenergy
SLO County releases draft EIR on #Diablo Canyon decommissioning https://www.ksby.com/news/local-news/slo-county-releases-draft-environmental-impact-report-on-diablo-canyon-decommissioning #CAEnergy
#Chumash tribe fights to protect California's #coastline and its history - The Washington Post https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/07/29/chumash-tribe-california-marine-sanctuary/ #CAPol #CAEnergy #OSW #Energy #Climate #Indigenous
#chumash #coastline #CApol #caenergy #osw #energy #climate #indigenous
#CAISO has a #EEA watch declared for 6-10 pm today. See news release at: http://www.caiso.com/Documents/energy-emergency-alert-eea-watch-declared-072623.pdf #CAEnergy
Are big changes coming to #California electric bills? - CalMatters https://calmatters.org/california-divide/2023/07/electricity-bills/ #CAEnergy #Electricity #CPUC #Rates
#california #caenergy #electricity #cpuc #rates