@osintechnical French-supplied #CAESAR SPH in Ukrainian service, firing roughly one round per minute.
Der Alfred der Woche!
#alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #mad #madmagazine #alt #retro #sammlung #zeichnung #comics #comicheft #comickritik #kult #comic #humor #witzig #rom #antike #geschichte #nero #feuer #geige #toga #caesar #kaiser #flammen
#alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #mad #madmagazine #alt #retro #sammlung #zeichnung #comics #comicheft #comickritik #kult #comic #humor #witzig #rom #antike #geschichte #nero #feuer #geige #toga #caesar #kaiser #flammen
#Cocktails #Caesar #Clamato #Canada
#Canada #clamato #caesar #cocktails
🪷Tonight's #Taurus #ThirdQuarter Moon is the #lunarphase of brotherhood we call the #Lucius Moon in honor of #Hadrian's other favorite, #LuciusAelius. We venerate #Aelius #Caesar as the fallen #PrinceofFlowers, the spiritual twin brother of #Antinous: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/08/the-moon-of-lucius-aelius-caesar-taurus.html 🪷
#Taurus #thirdquarter #lunarphase #lucius #Hadrian #luciusaelius #aelius #caesar #princeofflowers #antinous
I gotta agree, a #Caesar may be the world's most perfect #cocktail.
Olives are new to me, though. @jwz occasionally posted "What's On My Bloody Mary?" and some of the ones I've run into in pubs/restaurants seemed up that alley. Dill pickle and #pickled #asparagus were some of the least-strange (and most tasty!) ones.
Anyway, enjoy!
#caesar #cocktail #pickled #asparagus #weird #drink #garnish #bloodymary #dillpickle
💙💛 Ukrainian Army’s French-made 155mm #CAESAR self-propelled howitzer reportedly firing US-made 155mm M864 cluster #munition.
155mm M864 artillery shells with extended range (29km), each carrying 72 dual-purpose submunitions.
#ukraine #ukrainewar #warinukraine #artillery #indirectfires
#indirectfires #artillery #WARINUKRAINE #UkraineWar #Ukraine #Munition #caesar
#DidYouKnow: The #Caesar #Cipher is a simple #Encryption technique that was used by Julius Caesar to send secret messages to his allies.
It works by shifting the letters in the plaintext message by a certain number of positions, known as the “shift” or “key”.
#Encryption #cipher #caesar #didyouknow
August turns, nose up
Most regal of all the months -
A Caesar pleaser.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #August #Caesar #CaesarAugustus #Rome #WhenInRome
August 1, 2023
#wheninrome #rome #caesaraugustus #caesar #august #writingcommunity #writerscollective #onehaikuaday #Haiku
#Sacrilége ! That's not celery salt on that rim!
#sacrilege #celerysalt #caesar #canada #clamato #vodka #Wodka
It would be so stupid if Aaron and Caesar from Lost don't smooch! #Lost #Aaron #WilliamBlanchette #Caesar #SaïdTaghmaoui
#lost #aaron #williamblanchette #caesar #saidtaghmaoui
#Sugar doesn't actually make #Kids #Hyper - here's why so many believe it does ($) : Nat Geo
#BlackHoles Will Eventually Destroy All #Quantum States, Researchers Argue : Quanta Mag
The #History of #Codes and #Cryptography— From #Caesar #Cipher to Quantum #Encryption : Medium
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #Encryption #cipher #caesar #cryptography #codes #History #quantum #blackholes #hyper #Kids #sugar
And it looks like it's over for now... But it must have left #Putin very weak in so many people's eyes.
#Prigozhin didn't feel like the right #Caesar, but another will come along.
The Ides of June bring
Warming rather than warning -
Caesar's Seer saw.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #Ides #IdesofMarch #IdesofJune #Caesar #Shakespeare
June 15 2023
#shakespeare #caesar #idesofjune #IdesOfMarch #ides #writingcommunity #writerscollective #onehaikuaday #Haiku
The Ides of June bring
Warming rather than warning -
Caesar's Seer saw.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #Ides #IdesofMarch #IdesofJune #Caesar #Shakespeare
June 15 2023
#shakespeare #caesar #idesofjune #IdesOfMarch #ides #writingcommunity #writerscollective #onehaikuaday #Haiku
RT from Nexter_Group (@Nexter_Group)
Aujourd’hui, petite compilation de nos produits pour vous motiver à affronter la semaine ! #LECLERC #VBCI #CAESAR #NERVA
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/Nexter_Group/status/1663204211562037249
Der Alfred der Woche!
#alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #mad #madmagazine #alt #retro #sammlung #zeichnung #comics #comicheft #comickritik #kult #comic #humor #witzig #rom #römer #caesar #imperator #toga #lorbeerkranz #antike #altertum #latein #juliuscaesar #dolch #messer #brutus
#alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #mad #madmagazine #alt #retro #sammlung #zeichnung #comics #comicheft #comickritik #kult #comic #humor #witzig #rom #romer #caesar #imperator #toga #lorbeerkranz #antike #altertum #latein #juliuscaesar #Dolch #messer #brutus
#Caesar howitzers that Denmark handed over to Ukraine are already on combat duty, - Ukraine's Defenсe Minister Oleksii Reznikov.
🇩🇰 provided 🇺🇦 with 19 French-made CAESAR self-propelled howitzers.
Photo: Markus Rauchenberger
RT @KyivPost
⚡️Defense Minister Oleksii #Reznikov says that the first 155-mm #CAESAR self-propelled howitzer from Denmark have arrived in #Ukraine. The country has promised to deliver all 19 of its CAESARs.
📷: Reuters
#UkraineWillWin #reznikov #caesar #ukraine
🇺🇦 received all the 19 top-modern #Caesar self-propelled howitzers that was pledged to it by Denmark, - Ukraine's Ministrybof Defence.