"With the grace of a Sunday morning in Paris!
I woke this morning to what is truly springtime in Paris. Today is literally a glorious day of weather in this beautiful city. Even a Paris taxi driver, usually rather taciturn, opened conversation this morning by saying, "what a beautiful day it is!".
I hope it will be for you too.
With love."
© Peter Turnley (Page FB)
#photography #photo #paris #blackandwhite #cafedeflore #saintgermain
#photography #photo #paris #blackandwhite #cafedeflore #saintgermain
Café Society, “in illo tempore”. Are they at the Café de Flore or are they at Les Deux Magots? The intellectual “in crowd” hung out in only the one or the other at any given time. If you had to ask which one, well…
#JeanPaulSartre #SimoneDeBeauvoir #CaféDeFlore #LesDeuxMagots
#lesdeuxmagots #cafedeflore #SimonedeBeauvoir #jeanpaulsartre
Café Society, In Illo Tempore. Are they at the Café de Flore or Les Deux Magots? The intellectual “in crowd” hung out in only the one or the other at any given time. If you had to ask which one, well…
#JeanPaulSartre #SimoneDeBeauvoir #CaféDeFlore #LesDeuxMagots
#lesdeuxmagots #cafedeflore #SimonedeBeauvoir #jeanpaulsartre
Café Society, In Illo Tempore. Are they at the Café de Flore or Les Deux Magots? The intellectual “in crowd” hung out in only the one or the other at any given time. If you had to ask which one, well…
#JeanPaulSartre #SimoneDeBeauvoir #CaféDeFlore #LesDeuxMagots
#lesdeuxmagots #cafedeflore #SimonedeBeauvoir #jeanpaulsartre
Of course Sartre and de Beauvoir well might have been at Café de Flore. At any given time, one café was “in” and the other not. Naturally, de Beauvoir and Sartre always knew which was which. If you had to ask, by definition you weren’t “in”.
@agaguk 每次從這裡經過時都要疑惑一下,真的值得這樣拼嘛?拍照的拍視頻的,普通喝咖啡吃東西的都有,旁邊馬路紅綠燈中間都常常有遊客在擺拍(那個角度可以拍到電影/書籍中的角度)。即使下著大雨或者超級冷,依然擋不住遊客的熱情。
我時常懷疑來打卡的這些人,估計都沒有讀過那些作家們的多少書。 #CafédeFlore #Paris #LesDeuxMagots
#lesdeuxmagots #paris #cafedeflore