But I ain't gonna rest until I know my brother is safe and they they being ( Charotte Wettschereck and Eric Oberkampf #CharlotreWettschereck and #EricOberkampf ) haven't repaired the harm they have done #CafePlume #CafePlumeIsNotSafe #CafePlumeIsNotAPlaceOfHonor
#charlotrewettschereck #ericoberkampf #cafeplume #cafeplumeisnotsafe #cafeplumeisnotaplaceofhonor
If you are in #Berlin #Neukoelln don't go to #CafePlume it's built on systematic #WageTheft (not as in no tips or no overtime, as in no pay at all or worse: pay to work) which they justify with #Ableism #Sanism #Transphobia (and then some). Whatever their political discourse might be, this has been my experience with both the old and the new #management
Don't go work there, don't organize there, honestly just don't go there.
#berlin #neukoelln #cafeplume #wagetheft #ableism #sanism #transphobia #management #cafeplumeisnotsafe #cafeplumeisnotaplaceofhonor