Join us on April 25 for our last #CaféScientifique of the season, featuring #SFUStatistics professor Lloyd Elliott. Learn about how #DNA affects the structure and function of our brain, and how mapping genetic pathways helps researchers better understand infectious disease, cancer and #aging. #neuroscience #sfuscience #sfu #publiclecture
#cafescientifique #sfustatistics #DNA #aging #neuroscience #sfuscience #sfu #publiclecture
Missed our February #CaféScientifique talk with #SFUMBB professor Lynne Quarmby? Watch it online!
Take a journey from molecular biology to the high Arctic and home again, illuminating the science of cells, the climate, and the algae that causes watermelon snow. #sfuscience #sfu #molecularbiology #climatechange #watermelonsnow #publiclecture
#cafescientifique #sfumbb #sfuscience #sfu #molecularBiology #climatechange #watermelonsnow #publiclecture
Mind-Reading machines? Looking forward to speaking about the science of decoding thoughts at The Black Cherry, Boscombe on Tuesday, May 2, 6:30-8:00 PM.
A tango with four - genome duplication challenges and solutions
Our next #CaféScientifique with Prof. Kirsten Bomblies @ETH_DBIOL on 24. April 2023, 19:00 at Coworking Lounge Tessinerplatz
More information and registration
On February 21 join #SFU researcher Lynne Quarmby on a journey from molecular biology to the high Arctic and home again, illuminating the science of cells, climate, and snow algae, and the search for what it means to live a good life in the face of desperation about the future. All Café Scientifique talks are free and on zoom: #molecularbiology #sfuscience #cafescientifique #sfumbb #climatechange
#sfu #molecularBiology #sfuscience #cafescientifique #sfumbb #climatechange
#SFU Molecular Biology and Biochemistry professor Lynne Quarmby didn't just wake up one morning and start writing a popular science book. She has spent years as a climate advocate, a journey that has taken her from academic research to politics, art and writing. Learn more about her work: and register for her Café Scientifique talk on Zoom, February 21: #sfuscience #cafescientifique #sfumbb #climatechange
#sfu #sfuscience #cafescientifique #sfumbb #climatechange
It is a genuine pleasure to be involved in #BournemouthUniversity #CafeScientifique
Such a variety of talks. Tonight we had a full house listening to research on solutions journalism.
#cafescientifique #bournemouthuniversity
Notre professeure Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf participe à la table ronde sur le thème « Crimmigration – Du rêve à la double peine? »
Prof. Sarah Progin-Theuerkauf ist mit dabei in der Gesprächsrunde zum Thema «Krimmigration – Vom Traum zur Doppelbestrafung?»
🗓️ 11.1.2023, 18h00
📌 Nouveau Monde, Esplanade de l'Ancienne-Gare 3, Fribourg et en ligne
#cafescientifique #unifr #unifrius