“This week is just going to get progressively worse and then maybe relent a bit the following week,” @weatherwest said, according to KQED. “The problem is there’s nowhere else for this water to go and the Tulare Lake basin is just going to fill up like a bathtub.”
#caflooding #cawx #California #tularelake
Fears grow as #floodwaters threaten to drown this California city and prison complex https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-04-24/floodwaters-threaten-to-drown-a-california-city-and-prison #TulareLake #CAFlooding #CAwx
#floodwaters #tularelake #caflooding #cawx
Meanwhile…PG&E launches its first airboat crew on the re-emerging #TulareLake. The stated goal is to scout the area, disconnect impacted, and soon to be impacted customers, while removing equipment before it pollutes incoming snow melt. #caflooding is imminent as the snowmelt and overflow from dams has begun…what will happen to the residents of #Stratford and #Corcoran #KevinMcCarthy these are your constituents…are you paying attention? Oh I forgot they are mostly immigrant farm workers
#tularelake #caflooding #stratford #corcoran #KevinMcCarthy
Meanwhile…PG&E launches its first airboat crew on the re-emerging #TulareLake. The stated goal is to scout the area, disconnect impacted, and soon to be impacted customers, while removing equipment before it pollutes incoming snow melt. #caflooding is imminent as the snowmelt and overflow from dams has begun…what will happen to the residents of #Stratford and #corcoran #Kevin McCarthy these are your constituents…are you paying attention? Oh I forgot they are mostly immigrant farm workers
#tularelake #caflooding #stratford #corcoran #kevin
Via NWS Hanford: .The US Army Corps of Engineers will be making larger water releases out of #PineFlatDam during the next few days which will lead to
continued higher water levels and faster flows along the Kings River.
Some locations that will experience flooding
include...Sanger, Minkler, Reedley and Laton. The Riverland
RV Park and the Kings River Golf and Country Club are expected to see continued flooding concerns. #caflooding has started due to snowmelt and reservoirs reaching capacity
STRATFORD, CA: Tulare Lake 💧
The water is being held by a levee which is unknown when was the last time it was maintained. Two questions need to be asked of every elected official at every level. #TulareLake
1) What’s the plan to divert the water so immigrant farmworker communities such as the town of Stratford are not flooded.
2) What were they doing during the dry years to prepare for this moment. #caflooding #GovernorNewsom
#tularelake #caflooding #governornewsom
STRATFORD, CA: A petition has been started as #Stratford is under threat of flooding…it asks that the government take immediate oversight and intervention of this emerging #LakeTulare #caflooding …the details are in the attached petition
#stratford #laketulare #caflooding
The 1871 map of Tulare Lake, California. The old map's 200' elevation of Tulare Lake is high enough to flood Corcoran, the prisons, and Stratford. It would force the South Fork of the Kings River to run north to the San Joaquin River likely cutting off Hwy 41, Lemoore Naval Air Station, and flooding West Hills College. #tularelake #caflooding
2 California Prisons Face Imminent Flooding. They Must Be Evacuated Now. The prisons are located on idle farmland sold to the state by J.G. Boswell in 1985, particularly because the area was prone to flooding. Evidently, the risk of floods at this site is older than the prisons themselves, but no evacuation plan exists for the people locked up in them. #corcoran https://truthout.org/articles/2-california-prisons-face-imminent-flooding-they-must-be-evacuated-now/ #tularelake #caflooding
#corcoran #tularelake #caflooding
California Flooding UPDATE Tulare Lake Fly Over 20 April 2023 https://youtu.be/yNoIYcG82aI #cawx #caflooding #tularelake
California #flooding: #Dairy Farmers fear next snow melt - CalMatters https://calmatters.org/california-divide/2023/04/california-flooding-farms/
#flooding #dairy #caflooding #tulare #snowmelt
#CalFire news release on spring runoff dangers https://files.constantcontact.com/fac05d5d601/57909e58-61b6-4a87-afc2-e73825e2caa2.pdf?rdr=true #CAwater #snowpack #CAFlooding
#CalFire #cawater #Snowpack #caflooding
#California Secures Presidential Major #Disaster Declaration to Support Storm Response and Recovery | California Governor https://www.gov.ca.gov/2023/04/03/california-secures-presidential-major-disaster-declaration-to-support-storm-response-and-recovery/
#california #disaster #cawx #caflooding
California’s #snowpack is among the deepest ever. Now get ready for perilous ‘big melt’ https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2023-04-03/california-snowpack-is-the-deepest-its-ever-been #cawater #CAFlooding
#Snowpack #cawater #caflooding
Acres of L.A. County sewage sludge threaten to contaminate #Tulare Lake floodwaters https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2023-04-03/will-l-a-county-sewage-contaminate-tulare-lake-flooding #CAFlooding
Governor #Newsom Signs Executive Order to Support #Tulare Lake Basin #Flooding Response | California Governor https://www.gov.ca.gov/2023/03/31/governor-newsom-signs-executive-order-to-support-tulare-lake-basin-flood-response/
#newsom #tulare #flooding #caflooding #tularelake
California Storm Response and Recovery Update | California Governor https://www.gov.ca.gov/2023/03/22/california-storm-response-and-recovery-update/
Strong #CAwx and #CAWind resulting in large #PowerOutages and potential #CAFlooding.
Yesterday total outages in CA were around 5k. Today with the storm's arrival its back up to 47+k
Source: https://www.arcgis.com/apps/dashboards/7edefc1970d44b839ebbfd7b45e51e2d
#cawx #cawind #poweroutages #caflooding