Steven Zekowski · @steve_zeke
236 followers · 1400 posts · Server

Hondurans Fight Private Cities Run by U.S. Companies as Gov’t Sued for Outlawing “Neocolonial Project”

This blew my mind. I had never heard of this. It sounds like dystopian futurist fiction, but it's happening now. @pluralistic

"Próspera... under the [-DR]...seeking almost $11B...nearly two-thirds of the country’s entire 2022 budget."

Why benign sounding "trade agreements" are not benign.

#cafta #economics #centralamerica #honduras #neocolonialism #caftadr

Last updated 1 year ago

Avispa Mídia · @AvispaMidia
700 followers · 1072 posts · Server

Repeal of Model Cities in Honduras provokes threats from the US

🇭🇳 | Since the approval, in 2013, of the law that paved the way for ZEDES, large sectors of Honduran society have organized against projects that cede territories to investors.

👉 🐝

#centralamerica #indigenouspeople #nativepeople #latam #extractivism #displacement #city #urbanity #ddhh #caribe #eeuu #caftadr #arcah #zede #developing #noalaszede #hondurasnosezede #latinoamerica #honduras

Last updated 2 years ago

Avispa Mídia · @AvispaMidia
625 followers · 1064 posts · Server

"Derogación de Ciudades Modelo en Honduras provoca amenaza de EEUU"

🇭🇳 | Desde la aprobación, en 2013, de la ley que abrió camino a las ZEDES, amplios sectores de la sociedad hondureña se organizaron contra los proyectos que ceden territorios a inversionistas.

👉 🐝

#honduras #ciudad #urbanidad #centroamerica #zede #hondurasnosezede #hondureno #noalaszede #latam #extractivismo #desplazamiento #pueblosoriginarios #ddhh #latinoamerica #caribe #eeuu #caftadr #arcah

Last updated 2 years ago