I'm glad to have something light and comfy to float around in in this weird humid weather, and I will definitely make this pattern again. It has massive pockets, and the tie waist makes it flexible in size too.
Pattern: Closet Core Patterns Charlie Caftan (view C maxi)
Fabric: Viscose from myfabrics.co.uk (not available any more though I think, it spent too long in my stash before I used it!)
#charliecaftan #caftan #caftandress #sewing #garmentmaking #mastodaoine
#charliecaftan #caftan #caftandress #sewing #GarmentMaking #mastodaoine
My first go at a Charlie Caftan. It's very much a "I learned a lot" garment. The fabric pattern is very forgiving so it's not as obvious that the inset square is pretty wobbly and not nearly as neat as it should be. But it is totally wearable, and this fabric is super soft and breezy, so it's very comfy. And I learned how to avoid the mistakes I made for next time.
#charliecaftan #caftan #caftandress #sewing #garmentmaking #mastodaoine
#charliecaftan #caftan #caftandress #sewing #GarmentMaking #mastodaoine