Perhaps the most compelling answer to 'What's the worst that could happen' is:

"You have a soul, right?"

If you upload your important experiences to the cloud, do you still really own your soul." Or will someone else?

Aligning with is inviting death. In more ways than one.

#cageMafia #whatstheworstthatcouldhappen #cageFam #zoom #whatsapp

Last updated 2 years ago

Check out this Cloudflare, Google, Amazon honeypot.

A " forum for and Global Defense Issues", complete with trackers.

#military #russian #cageMafia #russiaDefense #cageFam #astroturf #cyberInsecurity #cybersecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

BLOCKING HAS BEGUN of cloudFlare and other fediverse instances, eg.,, and .

Supporting the destruction private is not longer going to be tolerated by us.

If you are on one of those servers that is why you cannot contract us.

#cageFam #gleasonator #Kolektiva #communication

Last updated 2 years ago

To be honest, we've been saying block for a long time.

And the E is for memecoiner and moneyPrinter beneficiary.

If that means physical removal we don't see how that as controversial. We see it more as a , tbh, and would thank anyone who removes invasive .

#cageFam #publicservice #satellites #antitrust

Last updated 2 years ago

Trying to rank the is not so important.

Once any have over 1 million you know they can be a menace, no matter what they say or do.

We remember someone very intelligent saying governments should measure , not just by industry buyouts but by the number of IP addresses they own.

We're inclined to agree. Some have millions of IP addresses (). One million is more than enough.

Likewise, 16m = too many.

#dotcons #IPAddresses #antitrust #ipv4 #ipv6 #monopoly #cageFam #akamai #cloudflare #amazon

Last updated 2 years ago
Our definition of redpilling is likely going to be slightly different to yours.

Ie. and resisting , overdevelopment and overshoot.
- Stop producing via endless wars.
- Move away from the toward internet anonymisation
- ethical, hard-money /monero,
- stop and political mass media ,
- progressive without Income Tax (ie. ),
- Trust bust and their tyranny.

#peakoil #overpopulation #refugees #legacyWeb #bitcoin #politicalDonations #advertising #LandTax #Georgism #cageFam

Last updated 2 years ago

CAGEFAM can stay solvent longer than you can keep old friends that "use" it.

On the upside, you get okay at making new friends.

Have you had to turn a into a hollow shell because your "friend" puts their entire existence into daily?

#friendship #cageFam #canStaySolvent #communication

Last updated 2 years ago

cyberghost · @cyberghost
158 followers · 352 posts · Server

Saw this , and I decided to fix it.

* behold my image editing skills, autographs later, please.

[ ]

#ad #ads #gafam #cageFam #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #tracking

Last updated 2 years ago

MICROSHAFT'S CYBER ATTACK proudly displayed on 's home page:

> "Where the world builds software

> "Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub—the largest and most advanced development platform in the world.

> "83+ million Developers

> "4+ million Organizations

> "200+ million Repositories

> "90% Fortune 100

Okay, mafia.

#griftHub #cyberwarfare #cyberattack #tooBigToExist #cageFam #microsoft #technoFeudalist #copilot #organisedCrime #droneCult

Last updated 2 years ago

Stories of premature and for persons who produce complex for .

Search for "Whatever happened to Lee?" for just one out of .

Its really saddening especially when a has intentions to retire early and dedicate their life to advance for the benefit of all humanity.

#disease #death #algorithms #cageFam #cloudflare #softwareengineer #foss #prematureDeath #prematureDisease #cheatingHumanity

Last updated 2 years ago

Drake dislike: Zebruda still of Kennedy et al in car.

Drake like: zebruda film with superimposed msoft, amazn, g, appl, spaceX, fbook, cloudFlare icons.

#stopCAGEFAM #cageFam #meme #memeIdea #fediart #stopTheDotCon #drakememe #openInvitation

Last updated 3 years ago

If you communicate with those you in a way that is not secure and then you are, not only failing to love, but abusing that person.

It's private moments that matter.

Leaking to transnationals such as * is . Acting as a parent, guardian or elder and doing so is .

You understand this… now — and love thy neighbour.

* M includes Microsoft partner, Akamai

#love #private #privateMoments #cageFam #abuse #childabuse #communication #loveThyNeighbour

Last updated 3 years ago

@tchambers @boilingsteam

Forget . Its a scam, and is on Google-owned servers, their CDN is Amazon, and they want people to pay for that "service" by signing up via Cloudflare, lol.

Even just mentioning these makes us feel dirty.

At this point, Russia's is looking like the most ethical choice. You may need to add "lang:en" to your search.


#AmazonBrave #AmazonCloudfront #Kagi #yandex #brave #deleteCAGEFAM #cageFam

Last updated 3 years ago

As an Australian living in the proxy state of and looking back over the past years, the years were basically packed with projection. The types engineered and to ensure that any investigation into what was going on in was swept under the rug.

This war is not 's War. It's and , microwaved back into action, and orchestrated over and other and assets.

Australia Get Out!

#usa #australia #trump #transnational #russiagate #Russiahate #ukraine #putin #HillarysWar #bidenswar #facebook #cageFam #MICIMATT

Last updated 3 years ago

As an Australian living in the US proxy state of Australia and looking back over the past years, that the years were basically packed with projection, the transNational types engineered and to ensure that any investigation into what was going on in Ukraine was swept under the rug.

This war is not 's War. It's and , microwaved back into action, and orchestrated over and other and assets.

Australia Get Out!

#trump #russiagate #Russiahate #putin #HillarysWar #bidenswar #facebook #cageFam #MICIMATT

Last updated 3 years ago

Please remember that legacy still exists and they are making your fellow citizens really quite stupid. If the want more striken, unwell people they will make it happen.

We've said it once and we'll say it again.

1) Block .

2) Start your own zine, deliver it to ppl yourself, forget worrying about "wasting paper". As long as trees are growing the fascists like RupertMurdoch are using paper to abuse us.

3) Fight back before physical come.

#socialmedia #technoFascists #poverty #cageFam #drones

Last updated 3 years ago

ShadowBanned on a for talking about and being against wars, 's, and speaking up against Australia's abusive system.

We support a , a Maximum Rental Income capped at the unemployment rate, and are *really* anti-fascist (ie. against the melding of govt and big business).

We came up with the word to describe the (hint: the 'E' is the reason you left ).

We also do design.

#introduction #dotcon #julianassange #regimechange #coupdetat #immigration #ubi #democracy #cageFam #digitalFascists #TurdSite

Last updated 3 years ago


That SpaceX/#memecoin-pushing entity that has ready access to the just bought flipping .

Can we ask what day you adopted the term, '' to describe the ? (hint: the 'E' is for the '' that bought Turdsite).

#moneyPump #TurdSite #cageFam #digitalFascists #Entity #twitter #elonmusk

Last updated 3 years ago

ALERT: There appears to be a popular linux leaking people's IP address, even if they use .

If you open a GUI-based package manager for any reason, we recommend running tcpdump and look for, let's just say, clearnet packets coming your way.

We are not going to be more descriptive than this (even if we do oscillate between different distros).

#packagemanager #tor #infosec #privacy #cybersecurity #cageFam #malware #linux #security

Last updated 3 years ago

While that is a good abstracted "effect of fascism" the story is simple.

> Facism is the melding of govt with .

In the case of , the most fascism over the generations has stemmed from and finance, but we see big , BigPharma, and a MilitaryIndustrialComplex, as unwieldy and extremely dangerous bedfellows with govt.

Natural monopolies should only be govt managed.

#bigBusiness #theWest #banking #propertyDevelopers #cageFam #naturalMonopolies #MICIMATT #bigpharma

Last updated 3 years ago