> "All Your Websites Are Belong To Us"
#allYourWebsitesAreBelongToUs #theInternet #technoFash #CAGEMAFIA
#allyourwebsitesarebelongtous #TheInternet #technofash #cageMafia
@nick@bath.social @amszmidt
CAGEMAFIA are an arm and in many ways facilitators of the #totalitarianism.
Eg. in #Australia all our banks with the exception of a couple, are now #CAGEMAFIA. Almost every single one, including #creditUnions.
Nice to hear your country has some sense, where is it.
#totalitarianism #australia #cageMafia #creditunions
Lastodon - Mastodon Minus Malware
> Fediverse server with anti-features removed + blocks bad servers CloudFlare, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and others. It removes three recently added anti-features, ie. there's NO Explore Timeline, the display of Like Counts without opening toot is removed, and we make JS optional again.
#lastodon #forkMastodon #mastodon #mastodonMinusMalware #cagemafia #stopCageMafia
#lastodon #forkmastodon #mastodon #mastodonminusmalware #cageMafia #stopcagemafia
This week is International Alternative to #CAGEMAFIA Week.
Today, we will celebrate by finding random people on the street and asking them whether they have heard of the alternative to Goo' Maps, #OpenStreetMap.org.
Tomorrow we will ask a question related to fediverse.
Join us in celebrating this special week we just made up.
#alternativeTo #cloudGlare #scAmazon #screwgle #microShaft #falseBook
#cageMafia #openstreetmap #alternativeto #cloudGlare #Scamazon #screwgle #microshaft #falsebook
Nice try @ParadeGrotesque
The #CAGEMAFIA have had access to cheap capital in the form of access to the money printers, and BigFinance.
CloudGlare? (ex-)NSA. ScAmazon? Shining example of a #moneyLoser allowed to continue losing till they reached monopoly status. TurdSiteBuyer? A darling of #DARPA that enjoyed countless govt subsidies. Google? All above. MicroShaft? JeffreyEpstein and more.
We're not "excited", just laser-f*cking focused on the abusers.
So #MindsDotCom join fediverse.
They may talk about #freeSpeech and being anti-#censorship, but they censored critics of #BigPharma.
They also use/support #CloudFlare.
Unfortunately we're likely to see #Minds as a #trojanHorse.
Block #CloudGlare and all #CAGEMAFIA (incl. Amazn, MicroShaft, Goog) servers with DFCA. Decentralised content delivery is possible using the #P2P network, #I2P.
#mindsDotCom #freespeech #censorship #bigpharma #cloudflare #minds #trojanhorse #cloudGlare #cageMafia #p2p #i2p
Slow-boil threats to #Fediverse.
One attack seems to involve random people spinning up instances they can't maintain and then they put them on #CAGEMAFIA-servers with reasoning like they can't afford the money to setup things properly, they are under attack, they are ill etc.
Then there are influencer-type accounts, and once they have a lot of followers they simply move them, with their followers to a #dotCon server.
These could legitimately be called #DotConCatFishing.
#fediverse #cageMafia #dotcon #dotconcatfishing
@invidious So, they contacted you by #email. It would have been really fun if your mail server had rejected connections from *.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com, as #Google’s mail server does the same to other people. Would have been #poeticJustice for sure.
Perhaps it would actually be useful to install a mail server that blanket rejects all connections from #CAGEMAFIA. Anyone doing anything that might gain attention from those orgs would be bounced.
Sure they could create a protonmail account just to reach you, but that’s the fun part. And it’s fair enough.
#email #google #poeticjustice #cageMafia
@shelldozer @lproven @anomalocaris
It is probably easier to setup #TransparentTor first and then DigitalFeudalismCounterAction (DFCA) after that.
DFCA needs to be first in the firewall and it works really well. One can run 'wget' in the command line and the DNS will go through Tor and *after* that the IP address will be blocked (not go through #Tor) if the #IPAddress is CAGeMAFIA.
It's a nice one-two punch, because DFCA actually tells when it blocks #CAGEMAFIA, it doesn't just block.
#transparenttor #tor #IPaddress #cageMafia
@Mary625 @ned @funcrunch @jenniferplusplus @Dasy2k1 @dragonfrog @not2b
Thanks but no, we would not need to shut down fedi if we blocked plutocrats. That's not a proper representation of the fediverse.
The vast majority of instances dont use #CAGEMAFIA (cF,amaz,goog,turdsite-buyer,micro$haft,fApple,fakebook,IBM,Akamai) (nor tencent, oracle or alibaba).
We've seen two orac instances so far, very few amaz/goog/turdsite-buyer, no akam/m$/fb/tc/alib. Maybe 10% are cF'd.
STOP WAITING FOR gutless #politicians to enforce #antitrust.
This #firewall for #linux not only blocks the likes of #Amazon, Microsoft, #Cloudflare, 'Twitter-buyer', #Google, and a few others, but also *tells you* with a little notification when it does.
Find #DigitalFeudalismCounterAction here:
…also here:
Find #torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p (I2P link).
#dfca #fediBlock #technoFeudalism #stopTechnoFeudalism #cageMafia #dotCons
#politicians #antitrust #firewall #linux #amazon #cloudflare #google #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #torrent #dfca #fediblock #technofeudalism #stoptechnofeudalism #cageMafia #dotcons
What is a good site, with a short URL where a layperson can go from no understanding of #Google's nasty #WebIntegrity proposal to full or functional understanding of how it threatens the #openWeb and which suggests Firefox-based browsers but **not** Firefox, eg. #Librewolf, IceCat, #TorBrowser, Pale Moon etc?
We will boost good responses, but not CloudFlare, Amazon or other #CAGEMAFIA websites.
This is a legit challenge.
#google #webintegrity #openweb #librewolf #torbrowser #cageMafia #askfedi
Looking back years, the attack on the web by the likes of #TheBigs becomes *quite* obvious.
We need to use ways of mitigating #DDOS attacks that don't involve yielding to #CAGEMAFIA (the terrorists in this scenario).
What if fediverse instances and apps, for example, had a built-in I2P #communication strategy during #connectivity issues?
Yielding to TheBigs is so, so wrong. We believe any website can remove the #perverseIncentive for them to attack by including a fallback to I2P.
#thebigs #ddos #cageMafia #communication #connectivity #perverseIncentive
IN CASE ANYONE WAS UNDER A ROCK someone has finally done it!
A #firewall setup that allows all(?) #linux users to not only block the likes of #Google, Amazon, #Cloudflare, Twitter-buyer, and more, but that also *tells you* with a slick notification when it does!
Its called '#DigitalFeudalismCounterAction' and it brings us great joy.
Install instructions:
Also available as torrent at tracker2.postman.i2p
#firewall #linux #google #cloudflare #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #fediblock #technofeudalism #dfca #i2plife #cageMafia
BigTech are atomising us in disparate realities that cage us and make it increasingly difficult to communicate with one another.
They are the #CAGEMAFIA (CloudFlare, Amazn, Goolge, TwitterBuyer, Microdoft etc).
A lot of their power comes from #BigData.
Deprive them of data. Block them with #DigitalFeudalismCounterAction only on linux, which also notifies you when an application tries to contact them!
#cageMafia #bigdata #digitalfeudalismcounteraction #stopTheDotCon #blockbigtech
Those who wish to resist the #CAGEMAFIA can find #DFCA here :
#stopTheDotCon #blockBigTech #digitalFeudalismCounterAction @matera @madargon @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo
#cageMafia #dfca #stopTheDotCon #blockbigtech #digitalfeudalismcounteraction
I don’t think a threat model drives this. It’s a conflict of social interest. It’s an economic move not an infosec move. I boycott the #MACFANG/ #CAGEMAFIA empire. Thus, I do whatever is within my power to ensure they don’t profit from my data.
As you say, defederating from them does not reduce their data access. But it still undermines the creation of data they feed on. Isolate them & ppl will leave.
@Viss @film_girl
Hi Tutanota,
Have you heard of the DigitalFeudalismCounterAction firewall, that blocks all of #CAGEMAFIA, minus #IBM (but plus #Oracle, #Alibaba and #Tencent)?
It works.
#cageMafia #ibm #oracle #alibaba #tencent
As an #Australian, before you communicate with your friend you must first acknowledge the #custodians of this #land...
That's #AmazonInc in the #USA, of course.
#australia #communication #derascination #internetTakeover #stopAmazon #blockAmazon #theInternet #amazonCloudFront #CAGEMAFIA #cloudFront
#australian #custodians #land #amazoninc #usa #australia #communication #derascination #InternetTakeover #stopamazon #BlockAmazon #TheInternet #AmazonCloudfront #cageMafia #Cloudfront
We typically found little to be confusing about your hashtags, once you explained them. For example, we didn't understand what you meant by #stupidIndividualism until you linked it to #postModern notions of individualism.
We absolutely love your #dotCons tag to describe the likes of the #CAGEMAFIA (eg. Cloudflare-Amazon-Google-TwitterBuyer-Microsoft-Apple-Fakebook-IBM-Akamai cabal).
We will continue to use that hashtag until the threat of #technoFeudalism is over.
#stupidindividualism #postmodern #dotcons #cageMafia #technofeudalism