I love the minimalist translations from the Japanese by #LucienStryk. My first and favourite was #CageOfFireflies which looks like might be out of print (but available online secondhand). A few of his others still available new, and they’re good too.
Bird song –
a thin dust
on the piano.
Hajime (trans. Lucien Stryk)
The holy grail (long out of print) is the four volumes of translations by #RHBlyth, often just referred to collectively as “Haiku” but each of the four individual volume has its own name. Hard to get and expensive. I pieced my set together over the space of a few years.
The kite’s droppings
On the irises.
Buson (trans. R. H. Blyth)
#lucienstryk #cageoffireflies #rhblyth #freehaiku