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Originally posted by Scientific American / @sciam:
RT by @sciam: My #oped #article in @SciAm asks if the murder mystery book #cainsjawbone can be solved with #AI. Thanks to @Unbounders and @Zindi, @rina_gill, and @AmyFlorida626 for trying to solve the case!
TY also to @sophiebushwick and @meghas!
#oped #article #cainsjawbone #ai
#cainsjawbone day 2
Day 1 was a daunting. Nothing made sense and the first dozen pages were just, well, strange.
However, I’ve done some reading and have a plan of action and understand how to crack this now. Figure out the narrators, cluster, solve the puzzles and then the stories should start to make some sense.
Learning more and more each day and for this week I’ll just read and take notes.
I'll take 'Detective novelists of the early 20th century' for 200 points Alex.
So I am not really very good at logic puzzles or cryptic crosswords but I thought that this year I would try to expand my capabilities by working through some of Cain's Jawbone.
And since I am a geek I will be using some apps and code to help me work through the puzzles. I found a copy of the text in PDF format and then extracted that and used some regular expressions and some Node.js code to export each page to an individual Markdown file.
#cainsjawbone #obsidian #markdown #node
All 100 pages are separated and ready to be puzzled over. I guess I know what I will be doing in 2023.
I'm behind on learning about Cain's Jawbone from this Washington Post story.
It's a 100 page mystery novel, but the pages are printed in the wrong order. The puzzle is to figure out the correct order. Only 4 people have solved it since its publication in 1934.
This is something that I'm afraid to try because I suspect could take over my life. Bookmarked for retirement (if that ever happens).
#mystery #books #cainsjawbone #puzzles
Benoit Blanc sure has some interesting things in his bathroom floor, including a copy of #CainsJawbone. (I’m guessing he’s solved it already.)