She accuses a Mesa Airlines employee of discriminating against #Muslim passengers because of their “race.” What “race” is Muslim? Too bad this bitch doesn’t know the history of these kinds of frivolous lawsuits against airlines initiated by CAIR. #CAIR always loses them, because the courts understand that the airlines can’t be too careful when it comes to dealing with potential terrorists on the plane.
Now that their “anti-Muslim hate crime” accusations have gone up in smoke, designated terrorist group #CAIR has declined to comment.
🛀 June 8, 2023: #CAIR Seeks Apologies from Maryland Elected Officials Who Disparaged MCPS #Muslim Families, Students – CAIR
#CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) is demanding that two elected officials in Montgomery County, MD, apologize for offensive and disparaging remarks they made about Muslim parents and students as being aligned with “White supremacists for opposing #LGBTQ curriculum.”
Designated terrorist group #CAIR gets a #Christian school teacher fired from her job for not respecting a blatant display of #Islamic supremacism in a public school, where Muslim students were caught using the teacher’s office for their #prayer session in the middle of the school day.
#prayer #Islamic #christian #cair
Now you can hear the Scottsdale Community College Professor, Nicholas Damask discuss his experience in going up against the deep-pocketed #CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) and its use of the courts to try and prevent any discussion of Islam’s links to terrorism in the classroom, the death threats he continues to get from Muslims, the support he has received from his university, as well as rulings against CAIR by the Uber-liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Needless to say, I think the #CAIR's response to the #HamlineUniversity is insupportable.
It is also fascinating and telling of the challenges of diversity and freedom on campus. Well worth a conversation that moves beyond polemics.
Personally, I expect to be using documents from this controversy, including this CAIR statement, early on in the semester for two of my classes.
Prominent #CAIR members convicted of #terrorism-related charges include #Abdurahman-Alamoudi, #Bassen-Khafagi, #Ghassan-Elashi, #Muthanna-al-Hanooti, #Randal-Todd-Royer, and #Nabil-Sadun. Others, like #Siraj-Wahhaj and #Mousa-Abu-Marzook, are unindicted co-conspirators in #terrorism cases; in fact, CAIR itself is listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism-funding case ever. And CAIR has long championed a number of terrorists, from Sami al-Arian to #Aaifa Siddiqui (also known as “Lady #Al-Qaeda”), the muse of #Malik-Failsal-Aakram, who targeted #Jews #worshiping at a #Texas #synagogue earlier this month.
#Synagogue #texas #worshiping #jews #Malik #al #Aaifa #Mousa #Siraj #Nabil #Randal #Muthanna #Ghassan #Bassen #Abdurahman #terrorism #cair
#CAIR‘s ties to terror groups and individuals are more than alleged. Though CAIR will smear as “Islamophobes” any who call attention to its checkered history, the government of one nation, the #United-Arab-Emirates, designated it a terrorist organization in 2014. The Simon Wiesenthal Center put CAIR on its #Global-Anti-Semitism 2021 Top Ten list. According to the Independent Sentinel, Senate Majority Leader #Charles-Schumer once asserted that CAIR’s co-founders, Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad, had “intimate links with #Hamas” and that “we know [CAIR] has ties to terrorism.”
#hamas #charles #global #united #cair
Ever since the Ohio headquarters of the Council on American–Islamic Relations ( #CAIR) went public in December with accusations that Steven Emerson’s Investigative Project on Terrorism ( #IPT) was illegally surveilling the #Ohio-Muslim community, #CAIR has driven the public narrative with the assistance of a gullible and ignorant media.
One of #CAIR’S most virulent anti-Semites, CAIR-LA Executive Director #Hussam-Ayloush said: “Kanye West’s anti-Semitic statements have contributed to the already alarming rise in #antisemitism that we are seeing in our society and must not be tolerated.”
One of #CAIR’S most virulent anti-Semites, CAIR-LA Executive Director #Hussam-Ayloush said: “Kanye West’s anti-Semitic statements have contributed to the already alarming rise in #antisemitism that we are seeing in our society and must not be tolerated.”
@ascarida @anordestado E ainda terás bloqueado alguém que a mim me cai bem! 😠
#cair #bem
🔥 Throwbacks Headlines: Walid, like Billoo, still is a prominent #CAIR official.
🔥 Throwbacks Headlines: As we have shown, #CAIR both "tolerates and excuses" #antisemitism within its own ranks.
🔥 Throwbacks Headlines: #CAIR-DFW Welcomes Hate Crime Ruling for 2015 #Murder of #Muslim Man
According to Zainab Chaudry, director of the Council on American #Islamic Relations ( #CAIR) office in #Maryland, “When ally-ship selectively manifests only for those choosing to take off the #hijab, but not for those choosing to put it on, it translates into ‘ #Islamophobia’ that risks perpetuating more violence against girls and women. That’s NOT solidarity.”
#islamophobia #hijab #maryland #cair #Islamic
🔥 Throwbacks Headlines: But #CAIR manages to tolerate it when the #antisemitism involves #Israel and #Jews who support it.
#jews #israel #antisemitism #cair
Designated terrorist group CAIR demands school teachers NOT tell students that “Muslim terrorists” were the perpetrators of 9/11
#terrorist #CAIR #september9 #teachers #School
#school #teachers #september9 #cair #terrorist
Hamas-Tied CAIR Demands CPAC Jump To Do Its Bidding – PJ Media