"Capitol Hill is a gerontocratic command center where miserable octogenarians in wheelchairs and adult diapers keep pulling the levers of #ecocide and nuclear brinkmanship like retirees at a Vegas slot machine as a final insult to younger generations who are still capable of enjoying life on this planet." -#CaitlinJohnstone, "Mitch McConnell’s Flash of Humanity"
Victoria Nuland has gone to Africa
#CaitlinJohnstone #Colonialism #US #Africa #Exploitation #niger #france
#caitlinjohnstone #colonialism #us #africa #exploitation #niger #france
"It’s just taken as a given that it’s fine for US oligarchs and empire managers to interfere in an election ... If an ordinary American circulated disinformation to manipulate the election, imperial spinmeisters would cite that as evidence that online communication needs to be more aggressively controlled.
But when Obama’s acting #CIA director does it, it’s cool." ~#CaitlinJohnstone
https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2023/07/12/the-worst-2024-election-interference-wont-come-from-russia-or-china/ Live coverage of the Republican Hearings on Boy Biden's laptop: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4105516-irs-whistleblowers-hunter-biden-live-coverage/
If you're wondering why we seemingly can't solve our larger societal problems, it's obvious!
Another incredible piece by #CaitlinJohnstone
Profit-Driven Systems Are Driving Us To Our Doom
#plannedObsolescence #Capitalism #instapot #coryDoctorow #RightToRepair #sustainability #profitMotive
#profitmotive #sustainability #righttorepair #corydoctorow #instapot #capitalism #plannedobsolescence #caitlinjohnstone
Important words from Caitlin Johnstone
#WorldPolitics #Peace #War #CaitlinJohnstone
#WorldPolitics #peace #war #caitlinjohnstone
"But remember kids, it’s important for you to be very afraid of #TikTok because TikTok might harvest your information and give it to an authoritarian #surveillancestate." -#CaitlinJohnstone https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2023/06/15/our-ongoing-march-into-dystopia-and-oblivion/
#tiktok #surveillancestate #caitlinjohnstone
She's got a point, no doubt
#CaitlinJohnstone #TheLeft #Communists #Anarchists #Socialists
#caitlinjohnstone #TheLeft #communists #anarchists #socialists
#CaitlinJohnstone | #Propaganda Restricts Speech More Than #Censorship Does: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
This blog post is about the illusion of freedom, similar to what is described in the #book #BraveNewWorld
This is why I think Brave New World is a better book that #1984
I wrote about that here: https://psychicdrool.wordpress.com/2023/05/24/brave-old-book/
#elections #us #blog #psychicdrool #bravenewworld #book #censorship #propaganda #caitlinjohnstone
Thank god for #CaitlinJohnstone another brilliant piece
US Presidential Elections Are Children's Entertainment
#empire #imperialism #antiwar #caitlinjohnstone
Given that (A) those who lack empathy are able to do whatever it takes to make the most money, (B) studies have shown that immense wealth kills empathy, and (C) money translates directly to political power, it is only natural that we now find ourselves ruled by sociopaths.
-- Caitlin Johnstone (@Caitlin_Johnstone)
^ #CaitlinJohnstone #Empathy #Politics #Sociopaths #Wealth #Quotes #Bot
v #Photography #Panorama #Sunset #Kayaks #Everglades #Florida
#caitlinjohnstone #empathy #politics #sociopaths #wealth #quotes #bot #photography #panorama #sunset #kayaks #everglades #florida
'The New York Times anonymous US govt sources (say) the pipelines were blown up by a “pro-Ukrainian group” who had no known connections to any military/intelligence agency, but somehow had all the information/skills/diving equipment/military explosives necessary to carry out such an attack.
It’s actually insulting how stupid it is ... reads like a small child lying..." ~ #CaitlinJohnstone
"Attack Of The “Pro-Ukrainian Group”: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
#CaitlinJohnstone: "The way the war in #Ukraine allows mainstream liberals (ed. and FAKE #anarchists... lots of them.) to play-act as rebellious #antiimperialist-s is a good illustration of how the empire gives people the illusion of fighting the power without their ever opposing the empire." https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2023/02/26/the-empire-gives-people-the-illusion-of-fighting-the-power-without-ever-endangering-real-power/
#caitlinjohnstone #ukraine #anarchists #antiimperialist
#CaitlinJohnstone: "The way the war in #Ukraine allows mainstream liberals (ed. and FAKE #anarchists... lots of them.) to play-act as rebellious #antiimperialist-s is a good illustration of how the empire gives people the illusion of fighting the power without their ever opposing the empire." https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2023/02/26/the-empire-gives-people-the-illusion-of-fighting-the-power-without-ever-endangering-real-power/
#caitlinjohnstone #ukraine #anarchists #antiimperialist
"Russia And China Draw 'Red Lines' On Their Borders; US Draws Them On The Other Side Of The Planet."
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #AudioStream
#Russia #China #UnitedStates #GlobalAffairs
#USHypocrisy #USWarmongers #USWarHawks
#USWarmongering #USDoubleStandards #USA
#USImperialism #USEmpire #USForkedTongue
#USWorldDominance #USThreats #USHegemony
#USEvil #USBullies #USThugs #USDirtyTricks
#usdirtytricks #usthugs #usbullies #usevil #ushegemony #usthreats #usworlddominance #usforkedtongue #usempire #usimperialism #USA #usdoublestandards #uswarmongering #uswarhawks #uswarmongers #UShypocrisy #globalaffairs #unitedstates #China #Russia #Audiostream #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
Audio Stream: "Imagine If China Did To The US What The US Is Doing To China."
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #AudioStream
#TruthtoPower #TruthAbouttheUSA
#China #UnitedStates #USHypocrisy
#USImperialism #USWarmongering
#USWarmongers #USDoubleStandard
#USHegemony #USFakeMoralAuthority
#USFalseMoralAuthority #UnitedStates
#USWarEmpire #USMilitaryEmpire #MIC
#mic #usmilitaryempire #uswarempire #usfalsemoralauthority #usfakemoralauthority #ushegemony #usdoublestandard #uswarmongers #uswarmongering #usimperialism #UShypocrisy #unitedstates #China #truthabouttheusa #truthtopower #Audiostream #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
Audio Stream "What We Know About The US Air Force's Balloon Party So Far"
#CaitlinJohnstone #AudioStream
#NaughtyBalloons #SexyBalloons
#ChineseBalloons #EroticBalloons
#eroticballoons #chineseballoons #sexyballoons #naughtyballoons #Audiostream #caitlinjohnstone
Audio Stream: "You Have To Be Trusted By The People That You Lie To by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone."
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #Podcast
#GovernmentPropaganda #USPropaganda
#ManufacturedConsent #MSMPropaganda
#GovernmentLies #GovernmentFalsehoods
#AmericanEmpire #AmericanImperialism
#AmericanHegemony #USHegemony #US
#USMilitarism #USBelligerence #USWars
#USWarDrums #USAggression #USWarHawks
#uswarhawks #usaggression #uswardrums #uswars #usbelligerence #usmilitarism #US #ushegemony #americanhegemony #americanimperialism #americanempire #governmentfalsehoods #governmentlies #MSMPropaganda #manufacturedconsent #uspropaganda #governmentpropaganda #Podcast #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
Audio Stream: "Whatever They Decide These UFOs Are, The Answer Will Be More US Militarism" by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #Podcast
#UnidentifiedFlyingObjects #UFOSightings #USHegemony #UnitedStatesMilitarism #MIC
#USMilitary #USAggression #USWarmongers
#USWarmongering #USWarDrums #USWars
#USMilitaryAggression #UnitedStatesMIC
#USMilitaryStrikes #UnitedStatesShootdowns
#USAttacks #USProvocations #USPropaganda
#uspropaganda #usprovocations #usattacks #unitedstatesshootdowns #usmilitarystrikes #unitedstatesmic #usmilitaryaggression #uswars #uswardrums #uswarmongering #uswarmongers #usaggression #usmilitary #mic #unitedstatesmilitarism #ushegemony #UFOsightings #unidentifiedflyingobjects #Podcast #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
“Why Don’t You Ever Criticize RUSSIA’S Warmongering??” – Caitlin Johnstone
#CaitlinJohnstone #USEmpire #USPropaganda
#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineConflict
#MSMPropaganda #MSMBrainwashing #MSM
#USWarmongers #USHypocrisy #USAggression #UnitedStatesAggression #FakeMoralAuthority
#PeaceNegotiationsNow #PeaceNegotiations
#USPuppets #AmericanPuppets #Brainwashing
#UnitedStatesBootlickers #AmericanBootlickers
#BalancedPerspectives #BalancedViewpoints
#unitedstatesbootlickers #americanbootlickers #UShypocrisy #fakemoralauthority #balancedviewpoints #balancedperspectives #brainwashing #americanpuppets #USPuppets #peacenegotiations #peacenegotiationsnow #unitedstatesaggression #usaggression #uswarmongers #msm #msmbrainwashing #MSMPropaganda #RussiaUkraineConflict #RussiaUkraineCrisis #uspropaganda #usempire #caitlinjohnstone
"AudioStream: My Sources Corroborate Sy Hersh's Nord Stream Report by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone" | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #Audio
#NordstreamReport #SyHershReport
#NorstreamPipeline #PipelineSabotage
#UnitedStates #Government #Sabotage
#BidenConfession #Nordstream2 #Hijinx
#USConfessions #GovernmentSecrecies
#governmentsecrecies #usconfessions #hijinx #nordstream2 #bidenconfession #sabotage #Government #unitedstates #pipelinesabotage #norstreampipeline #syhershreport #nordstreamreport #Audio #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone