Undiscovered Scotland · @UndisScot
6502 followers · 1638 posts · Server mastodon.scot

The ancient Caiy Stane, measuring 2.75m high and 1.55m wide and standing beside a residential road in the southern suburbs of Edinburgh. Erected some 5,000 years ago, its modern setting would be totally alien to those who put it here. More pics and info: undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/edi

#undiscoveredscotland #edinburgh #prehistoric #carvedstone #caiystane #scotland

Last updated 1 year ago

Brian Lavelle · @brianlavelle
515 followers · 393 posts · Server mastodon.scot

The Caiy Stane, also known as the Kel Stane, Cat Stane or Camus Stane, is thought to have been a battle memorial stone.

Standing over 9 feet high on a summit, originally with wide views, this broad slab of red sandstone has a line of 6 prehistoric cup marks on the reverse. It may have been erected as early as the Neolithic period, possibly before 3000BCE, to denote a ritual or burial place.

Its setting (now a suburban Edinburgh street) is a little incongruous!

#caiystane #standingstonesunday

Last updated 1 year ago